New take on an old problem... Ground contact!

I don’t think that we need interrupts on the sensors. The uC is doing nothing when the leg is going down, so it can also poll on the inputs.

But it’s fine by me if you keep the pins that way. I’ll stick with mine for now as well since I don’t like ripping the connectors apart right away. :wink:

I downloaded the software packedge from the tutorial site. The config file was not configured. Leg lengths where ok but the body dimensions where way off.

Note: I didn’t update the min/max angles yet. But this will do for now.

Jim, Can you update the packedge with this file, the current one don’t allow you to do nice body rotations :wink:
thex_3dof_cfg.bas (5.69 KB)

Fixed. Sorry for the trouble. :blush:

Hi Xan (and others),

I have been having a little fun! First I got it up and running with your new _cfg.bas file, which is nice. I then moved the PS2 over to pins 16-19 and updated the code and enabled the pull-up on P16 and it worked :slight_smile:

I then grabbed a new unused XBee I had sitting around and a Parallax XBee adapter… I then used the CFG file you uploaded with Zenta’s 4DOF code, with some fixes to check a few more places that it is 3DOF and not 4. First tested with PS2 and it was working… (not 100% sure yet if the movements are the same or not. This code has different walking gaits. I then tried it with XBee and that is now working as well.

I then did some slight updates of the XBee input method as the table of Gait names did not match the actual Gaits in the program…

I have uploaded this version here in case anyone wishes to look at it. (Currently configured in CFG for XBee, but easy to comment out the USEXBEE and uncomment USEPS2… This is the same code base I added some support for per-leg config, but still have not tested this yet.

Kurt (36.9 KB)

Sounds like your having some fun! :wink:


So for an ARC-32 that would be pin P0,P1 and P16-P19 ?
Just to make it clear, the switch puts the pin low when activated?

Sounds right (both pins and low)


Ok, thats good. Thanks for your fast reply!


Just to make things super crystal clear about the WKP’s on the ARC vs leg name:

Right rear: WKP0 = P19 Right middle: WKP1 = P18 Right front: WKP2 = P17 Left rear: WKP3 = P16 Left middle: WKP4 = P0 Left front: WKP5 = P1

Some wires need to be extended more than others… :laughing:

From my quick review of the Arc32 manual and the leg tables in the code, that looks correct to me…


:blush: Just had to be sure. :wink: