Yupo. Subject pretty much says everything…
Now remember, we only have a few of these.
Still waiting on the O-Rings. They should be here in a few days. 8)
Just a few?
They look awesome and very solid.
That is ONE BIG batch!
I’m guessing some of those pairs will end up into kits?
Yes, I have some new rover kits in the works. Nothing to show off yet.
I always find a large quantity of identical precision machined parts impressive!
Alan KM6VV
Hitec servo spline, I assume? Actually, they look bolt-on to your aluminum servo horns.
Here’s the wheels attached to a couple of GHM-16 motors with encoders. The chassis is just something I threw together, so it needs a *little *work…
Option #2. They’re bolted to the metal servo horn.
They also have mounting holes so they can be attached to a HUB-02 or -03.
At first I didn’t notice it, but I can see in the first photo at the very top of this thread, that there are actually 2 bolt patterns, one for the servo horns and one for the hubs, clever design! 8)
Robot Dude:Nothing to show off yet.
Remember this little guy?
I got a name. How bout Rug Rat? or Carpet Critter? or Crust Crawler? NnnnnoooooooooO, just kidding.