I got my order from Lynxmotion yesterday, and this is what happened…
Yes, I built a new rover!
This one uses two CR servos for locomotion, has a BotBoarduino brain, an SSC -32 for servo control, and a Little Grip gripper with 3DOF (raise, wrist rotation, and open/close). The BotBoarduino is communicating with the SSC-32 using SoftwareSerial on pins 2 and 3. I’ve already got the initialization code finished. I still need to add some sensors. I’m going to pull at least 1 PING sensor from W.A.L.T.E.R. because they just work great. I’ll also put a Sharp IR sensor on this rover. I’m going to figure out how to put my RGB color sensor and heat sensor on this too.
This is an almost complete robot. It just doesn’t have any sensors yet, but will have some soon. I can actually play with this rover right now, and it didn’t take long to build. I based this little robot on the Lynxmotion two wheeled rover. It inspired me!
I’ve always wanted to put two compasses on a robot - one for the robot to use for navigation, and one on the pan servo of a pan/tilt unit. The idea is to scan the area with the pan/tilt, and get the heading of where something is detected, then have the robot be able to turn to that, heading and move toward the object. This would be extremely interesting, if there were color and heat sensors, as well as the usual ultrasonic and IR range sensors on there as well.