New project: opensource hardware / software Hex walker kit - group effort

OK - finished the "tenative" mechanical design and just cut the chassis. Sized for standard servos; 18 for the legs, 2 for the pan and tilt.

Behold the inital 6 legged goodness...


First thoughts include Propeller COG custom board layout / color camera / xbee wireless


Krumlink is onboard for the electronics layout/design/3D design

TinHead offered his 3D design skills (of which I am surely lacking)

Will update as the project progresses...


still need coders to sign up - hint -hint


This will be released full opensource complete with cut files / code / schemetics / board layouts and anything else needed to complete or modify this robot.

Files will be provided to participating developers on an acceptance / needed basis. Please hold requests for comunity release of files until the project is in a state of completion - again, they will be freely given.


I'm giving chassis to accepted participants - Krumlink is giving boards



This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

For electronics we will be

For electronics we will be using cadsoft Eagle, to be honest, anything else is a waste of time.

Great project boys !

Great project boys !

Thanks - looks like it might

Thanks - looks like it might be some fun

Nice to see another open

Nice to see another open source project beside MAAHR.

Double post

Double post

Cool. Will it support

Cool. Will it support mounting for several different types of processor? This looks like a great fit for the DAGU Spider controller.

Yes, no worries on

Yes, no worries on hackability :slight_smile: the intention is to place generic mounting holes for a carrier board that can be adapted to fit almost any microcontroler combination through vertical expansion.

Got back into town; worked

Got back into town; worked out a few more bugs in the chassis design / modified the throw angles on the legs a bit. Started sourcing out good servos at a reasonable price. 


Had some emails, but no commitments for coders - still looking for software dirrection on this project - if you’re interested, drop me a line.