New Micromouse Fourm?

I was searching for a IRPD + Micromouse, and I came across a reference to:

“The Lynxmotion Micromouse Kit makes a great, small (4” x 4 …"

Is there still an “LM Micromouse”? Maybe we need a new forum!

Alan KM6VV

Here’s how you know how old that document is :stuck_out_tongue: :

We haven’t carried that kit in a loooong time. However, the line tracker which we showed off the other day, will probably fulfill that role.

Minor spoiler:
[size=85]Once it becomes a kit that is…[/size]

I love that line tracker. It’s a great simple design.

Gotta step in here. The old Micromouse kit we made all those years ago was a very simple, very slow, very basic robot that could follow a line. Todays Micromouse entries are amazing in their speed and capabilities. We are not currently planning a kit that could compete in todays Micromouse competitions. We can do a lot better than the old one though.

It might work. A little big perhaps?

Just curious what the early Micromouse looked like. Probably yellow Lexan!

Alan KM6VV

Well you must remember this was one of my very first offerings…

Yellow, yes. Lexan, no. :smiley: Good guess, though!


I remember it now. I** [size=150]LOVE [/size]** that mouse!

I shoulda bought one!

Alan KM6VV

Not Lexan, what IS that stuff? ;>)

Alan KM6VV

expanded PVC?

Yeah, that could be it. I’ve only “machined” it once, for the decks on WALTER. Or something like it.

Alan KM6VV

That’s a really nice little bot!

That is correct! :smiley:

Why is it called expanded?

Because it’s not compressed! :smiley:

It is actually a foam product made from PVC, aka PVCX.
It is also extremely messy to clean up after milling slots and pockets in it… little teeny freaking yellow bits of static clingy plastic EVERYWHERE! :laughing:

Oh yeah! Been there… :unamused:

That’s so true. You even look at a pile of the stuff and you’re brushing yellow plastic off yourself all day!

Machining yellow PVC could make for a great “big bird” costume, just add some glue!

Plastics and wood are always a mess to clean up. So is cast iron, it comes out black! Gets into everything.

Alan KM6VV