New member and first robot project/s

Hi everyone, i have always been greatly interested in robotics, now with the amazing technology available now i'm looking forward to creating my first robot, and then one or two more after that. I'm very new to this, and looking forward to learning Arduino and everything else i need in order to have a 100% autonomous robot for home.

Now i'm in my 40's, so i love the old Tomy robots from the 1980's.

I have 2 Tomy's i would love to upgrade. Firstly i want to upgrade a Tomy Dust Bot and then go on to upgrade a Tomy Omnibot. The Omnibot is a perfect platform for what i want.

The Dust Bot i want to keep as a vacuum, but of course with more suction. i would like It to be autonomous also, but i wanted to ask a question in regards to this.

Would it be possible to replace the internals parts of the Tomy Dust Bot with the internals from a Roomba Robot?

The Omni i will be putting all of my time into, but the Dust Bot i want purely for a vacuum, i like it because they dont make them like that anymore, plus it was the very first robotic vacuum ever made which gives it more appeal to me.

Turning Japans first ever robot vacuum into 21st century tech would be great.

I could buy a Roomba but there's no fun in that, it needs to be differen't and personally i would love to upgrade something like this.


Looking forward to your replies and thank you all for your time. : )

Kind regards from Australia.




I don’t understand the question. The Tomy Dustbot is tiny compared to a Roomba, there’s no way parts will fit obviously.

Tomy to Roomba

It would be easier if you simply did a “body swap”. You can change the battery and the connectors so it fit better, but the Roomba’s programming relies on the hardware and dimensions of the robot, and changing these would lead to unexpected results. It sounds like you want to start “hacking”, which is often not the easiest way to get involved in robotics. We tend to suggest starting with a few entirely custom robots so you get an idea of hardware, sensors, actuators and programming.


A body swap is out of the question, it would be like trying to put a desktop computer into a Raspberry Pi case.

Thank you all for your

Thank you all for your replies, i realized it would be easier using the Roomba as a base for a robotic platform, but i wont go there yet.


Actually not really

Actually not really interested in hacking, but yes you are 100% correct with me starting a new custom robot, i’m using the Tomy Omnibot as a platform for it has the body shape i really like and has plenty of room add on’s, so its a perfect platform for me.


I’ve built drones but builidng my first robot will be very differen’t that’s for sure.


Once it arrives i should have the hardware ready to begin installation, etc.

I’m a little nervous but VERY excited to start this.

Hehe i feel so stupid now

Hehe i feel so stupid now but your reply was awesome thank you :smiley:


Love your avatar btw

Further research

Looks like I got my robot wrong - turns out I was looking at the Tomy Omnibot which has a square base wich seemed appropriate for a swap. The Dustbot (never seen it before today actually) really is small, so a swap won’t be possible. Cute too.