New MAH3-R Hexapod Walking Robot

The MAH3-R is the largest of the AH3 series. The robot’s round body symmetry makes this a very unique hexapod walker. The three DOF (degree of freedom) leg design provides the flexibility required to walk in any direction! The robot uses 18 HS-755 servos for the legs. The combo kit includes everything you need to make a functional robot except batteries. This is one of our most sophisticated and largest walking robot offerings. It’s truly amazing to see in action. This research level robot is perfect for college robotics labs.

The combo kit comes with the SSC-32, BotBoarduino. There is no separate wiring for a PS2 controller (sold separately) since RC01-v2 now includes all necessary wiring in order to control the robot using a PS2 controller. By offloading the servo pulse generation and sequence movement timing to the SSC-32, the BotBoarduino has plenty of power to do some really cool things. The basic PS2 code allows you to control the robot using a wireless (or wired) PS2 remote control (sold separately). We recommend the wireless PS2 controller (RC-01) to get the robot up and running quickly. There is also a serial control mode for controlling the robot via a serial connection. With the proper configuration the popular Phoenix code (written by Jeroen Janssen (Xan on the forum). Thanks, Jeroen!) may also be used.

The AH3-R literally “pales” in comparison:

What do you think of the new MAH3-R - we welcome your feedback.

Yes it looks awesome. Would really like to see a video walking next to the conventional hexapod.

Working on it.

Also I took a quick look through the new build guides for this and have a few wish list items for these.

For example the building the legs guide is using the older style guide that tells the user to build 3 legs like the instructions and then build 3 legs with them inverted. There have been many people who did not see or disregarded this and ended up building all 6 legs alike. It would be nice if instead it was like the A-Pod guide (

Also If I am not mistaken, there is only one current Botboarduino guide for all of the round Hex robots and only one zip file to download, which only has one configuration of Hex robot defined in it. I am reasonably sure that you will need different configuration files for many of these robots, especially this one whose dimensions are considerably different.

The tutorial for BB2/BAP does have different configurations in it for the standard round robot and different files for different leg types, but again a version needs to be made for the dimensions of this robot. Likewise with the older versions of these guides that used Powerpod. I have my doubts that anyone generated a new version of the Powerpod files that had information about this robot.


Always appreciate the feedback.

The MAH3 assembly guide was indeed based on the AH3 assembly guide. We’ll see if we can update the assembly guide as time permits. We’ll certainly be using the newer assembly template for future projects as well.

PS2 code tested and working well. Hoping to get a video out showing it walking.

We likely will not be releasing a version of the MAH3 with the Bot Board. Software such as PowerPod, Hex Calibration and others have not been updated for a while (well before RobotShop took over), so we are looking for the community’s feedback on existing and potentially new software.