New laser cut robot chassis for GM series motors

i will try it tomorrow!

i will try it tomorrow!

Again great job!!! I like the chassis so much!

Great job on the entire

Great job on the entire thing! Looks awesome, very sturdy and well though out. You should be very proud.

BTW: If you are interested in selling a couple oif the SRF05 bracketrs, I would be interested in buying! :wink:

Through Frits generosity,

Through Fritsl’s generosity, I’ll have a web shop hosted on this site very shortly - I should have the text done in a few days. In the mean time, feel free to PM me and I’ll be happy to get you some brackets :slight_smile:


That is amazing news. Your workmanship looks superb! All I need now is a design…

Thanks so much for the

Thanks so much for the compliment. Although it won’t happen overnight, I’ll also post some general guidlines for design, and I think that should help with the learning curve. I’d also be happy to check over a design and try to make sure it’ll fit together.

On a side note, I’ve been playing with google’s “shetchup” over the weekend - there is a free version available, and it offers DWG (autocad) exports as well. The package is quite friendly and in just 2 days I’m starting to get the hang of it… for those who have invested time learning a new CAD package, this is a bold statement to be sure.

ThanxThe mechanics are like


The mechanics are straight forward for me - it’s the code I’m finding difficult -


hey Casca, there’s something

hey Casca, there’s something i don’t really understand about your .bas file. it says:

gosub ping
gosub ping2
if W0>W1 then
gosub motor_reverse
gosub body_lturn
gosub motor_reverse
gosub body_rturn
end if

won’t the two gosubs (ping and ping2) give the same results as the head hasn’t moved between the 2 gosubs?

PIece of cake
Given a good sound platform like this, the code should be a piece of cake. You’re in the right place!!

Yep, your right. I need to

Yep, your right. I need to look at that a bit more…

I’ll try and incorporate some of the code from Fritsl’s “project II” robot dealing with the head position of the servo - that should straighten it out.

The current decision routine is rubbish.

what you need to do is just

what you need to do is just keep a record of the "ping" gosub you went through before. Example:

1- gosub ping

2- record the ping value

3- turn head

4- gosub ping

5- is this value bigger than the previous one? if yes we can just keep going this way!

6- record the ping value

7- etc etc…

but actually this code supposes that there is no or at least little movement in between those two gosubs.

Very good!
Very good. This project is great. It’s very fast and the programation it’s not too long.

Thanks a Bunch for the code!
IT make my ping sensor works. I though I was under power with the 4AA recharchable battery but it work great. I want to put 2 ping sensor on my rc car and so how do I start with that? Do I put both ping on the same pin? or the second ping on pin1 and do high and low for pin1? any advice is greatly appreciated.

Robot acrylic chassis

Congratulations great job with the chassis!!!

Regarding the slots that interlock the two pieces of plastic together (gm9 motor bracket and round baseplate) if let say the acrylic is 3mm thick what is the size of the hole to accept it? I assume that due to material tolerances it should be a bit bigger.

Is it possible to have a pdf drawing with dimensions of the chassis for referance? I am trying to do a frosted acrylic cube with interlocking pieces and I don’t know how to do the connections?


Thanks a lot
