Hello sorry if i seem stupid or something but i need some help with this.Until now i learned 1 year of programing(i barely know the basic) because i never did in high school any programing.Now being at university i need to program an autonomous robot that has to avoid obstacles (using fuzzy logic —difficult concept for me) .Now details about robot:
* Aluminum 4WD1 Robot Kit (A4WD1-KT)
* Sabertooth 2X10 R/C Regenerative Dual Channel Motor Controller (DE-06)
* Bot Board II (ABB-01)
* BASIC Atom Pro 28 Pin (BAP-02)
* Wiring Harness - Battery (WH-01)
* 3 x Sharp GP2D12 IR Sensor (SIR-01)
* 4 x 12vdc 30:1 200rpm (6mm shaft) (GHM-01)
I think that is all correct here.I have to make it move around objects and be autonomous.About the basic atom pro 28 i have learned i need to program it in basic micro.Now i have found on lynxmotion web page an program for a scorpion robot here it is the link lynxmotion.com/images/html/build066.htm i assume this robot is not different from mine (same 4 wheel drive same motors and same sensors so basically the same). I was asking is there anything i need to modify to the code for my robot(if any hardware specifications differ) and also for fuzzy logic.I tried to simulate in Matlab (because basically that’s actually the program i know and i study but since it’s not programmable in Matlab ). Please help.
If you just have a pair of IR sensors, the logic needed is not all that “fuzzy”, that I know of. Simple avoidance consists of setting a threshold at which point you make a turn to avoid.
See object on left, turn right
See object on right, turn left
See object with both, turn around!
Tell us more about the “fuzzy” logic you would like to employ.
There should be some basic avoidance code on the LM website.
Alan KM6VV
I guess you are right in basic micro there isn’t much difference and i guess there isn’t a “fuzzy” concept .The problem is not the programing idea itself it’s the way the code is.I mean take for example c++ and pascal they seem the same(or java and c++) but if you try to write same code from c++ in pascal you will mostly get errors because for example variables are declared differently at pascal when you start a program you start with begin and end it with end while in c++ you don’t need that, the syntax is not a problem i guess , the problem is the programing code that needs certain key words and certain code lines.Eh well in 3 h from now i will go to university and test that program on the robot and see what needs to be changed if needed and we will see if it doesn’t move …it moves…or it crashes .
O yeah also anyone know why the com doesn’t work…at least that’s what i think.Someone else is working on the same robot…he uploaded program it says all is ok and everything was successful, but when you look at terminal nothing happens no readings. There are only 2 solutions to this i guess first is that he did something in the programing and 2’nd the wire/port isn’t working but this would mean that the upload wouldn’t be successful.