New in all

Hi everybody, i`m very new on this.... i write from costa rica, and i love this kind of hobbie, for me is more than a hobbie.... i hope not only make robot here, also make good friends... i was reading something and i see al a university here... you know alot about this world....

And i start with a question, there`s over there some onformation about the boards buildings, how to build a board? tip`s or something like that? sometimes we `ll need to cretae a new board for some proyect, cause the board that we can buy is or very big or small, or we need a specific kind of body.... this is my case now....


Thanks guys...

Sorry guys, i changed my

Sorry guys, i changed my nickname from toro1973 to Toro, toro in english is bull… when i was a child i was very fatty and big, so my family and friends calledme toro… after that all changed, hahahaha…now i`m only fat…

I have a cat!

I have a cat!