New A4WD1 rover kits available... Finally!

What’s the point of high resolution encoders if your wheels are sliding all over the shop?

If you have higher resolution you can have a more finite control of speed near 0, thus reducing overall slip.

And I think you misunderstood me… I want to go a top speed of at least 20in/s in a straight line…
But I also want low speed resolution for finite movement. I don’t expect to do +20in/s on the
right -20in/s on the left and spin like a top. :wink:

I have many more L6 arms out there, so I just plopped it on the rover chassis. Of course the SES arm can mount to it just as easily.

The wrist rotate can be added to the SES arm in two ways.



Um, it is a label (decal)… 8)

Really? My guess was based on how the characters in the label did not appear to have the jpeg compression / dithering effects that the rest of the picture did. Heh. Oh well. :unamused:

Hi Jim,

The two SES wrists look good. There are two key brackets I don’t believe I’ve seen before. What are the parts? I did previously find the black jaw parts (default gripper?).

I see tilt and rotate, but no jaw open/close. Maybe the jaw servo is hidden underneath?


Oh there it is: “SES Arm Wrist Rotate Upgrade” I see one of them.

Nice wrists! And congratulations on your new baby!

Alan KM6VV

Have you never seen the SES brackets page? :wink:

They’re in there. :smiley:

Hi Jim,

OK, I see them now that I know what I’m looking for. Still some brackets on that page that I don’t know where/how they’re used.

Alan KM6VV