.Net Gadgeteer Powered Object Tracking Robot

This is a .Net Gadgeteer powered robot based on the rover 5 platform, and using an ir compound eye for object tracking.

It's the first robot i've ever build and also my first real project with the Gadgeteer platform.

I started off with some code based on the arduino sample code for Mr General from the dagu code sample site which i converted into c#. I then refactored it to make it more object oriented and tweaked stuff to make it work better with the .Net Gadgeteer platform.

Details and example code can be found on my blog at http://3amcode.blogspot.co.uk/ 

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/net-gadgeteer-powered-object-tracking-robot

I find gadgeteer really easy

I find gadgeteer really easy to use, but that’s probably because my day job is as a web developer using .Net, and c# is my language of choice :slight_smile:

I think the main benefits are the ease of debugging, multi-threading, and the ability to create complex well structured code.

Rapid prototyping when using Gadgeteer modules is really nice too.

Cool, another .NET user.

Cool, another .NET user. Welcome to our forum.

The rover moves very smooth and your program code looks pretty good. Well done.

What I dislike on the Gadgeteer platform is the connectors form factor. No 0.1’’ spacing, not very hobbyist friendly.

Thanks :)About the Gadgeteer

Thanks :slight_smile:

About the Gadgeteer sockets. It’s not so bad if you have a few extender modules. 


They are designed to have a 0.1" header soldered to them so that you can plug straight into a breadboard.


That is a way-way-way cool robot! I don’t know much about gadgeteer stuff, but the fact it uses .NET makes it tops for me.

I am jealous of your beautiful robot image and that video. Nice!