Need Suggestion for Robot that can be Programmed with Python

Greetings Fellow Citizens,

I know next to nothing about robots and I’d like to change that. What is a good, inexpensive robot that can be programmed with Python. I’m not overly concerned on what the robot can do, but my first thought would be an arm.

Thank you,
Citizen of Earth

Hello @citizen_of_earth and welcome to the forum!

A Raspberry Pi based robot could be a great option if you want to program in Python. If you are interested in Robotic Arms here are some nice options:

And if you are interested in other types of robots here are some good ones:

I hope that helps!

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That definitely helps! I’m going to go with the car:

Adeept AWR 4WD WiFi Smart Robot Car Kit for Raspberry Pi

How do I find out what type of Rasberry Pi to get?


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How do I find out what type of Rasberry Pi to get?

You can use any Raspberry Pi that has the 2x20 GPIO header. If you’re planning on using it for other projects I’d recommend getting the latest version: