Need more power for my rover

I bought a rover A4WD1 Combo Kit for RC, and built it a little as i need it to be, but I have a problem, the 4 x 12vdc 30: 1 200rpm (6mm shaft) is not strong enough when I have to turn.
I would like a motor with more power and can carry more, I do not want more speed, just more traction, what would you recommend.?
I have uploaded a video on youtube so you can see my problem, the problem comes when I put the lid on.

Thanks alot :slight_smile:

The motors wonโ€™t have much of an impact - the issue is with the design itself and that the base is disproportionately large compared to the radius of the wheels. The robot would turn better if the distance from the center of the front and back wheel was closer. Notice how the wheels essentially have to skid skid sideways when trying to turn the robot.