More problems experienced by this newbie. I would appreciate your patience and help:
I’ve assembled my A4WD 1 Combo Kit for PS2 and have run some of the demo programs to make sure the motors, etc. are all working properly. Great. Now it’s time to hook up the PS2 controller.
The problem is that the schematic shown in the A4WD1 Tutorial for PS2 Control v1.0 guide for hooking-up the PS2 Controller Cable to the bot board doesn’t match what I have.
I read through the Botboard II manual too and there it’s mentioned that the colors differ between runs. There is a table there that lists colors mappings for cable 1,2, and 3, but I must have cable 4 or sometihing:
– I have 9 wires (the schematic shows 8)
– 1 bank of 4 wires - blue , yellow, orange, brown
– 1 back or 3 wires - read, black, WHITE (the white wire looks to hooked to the same pin as the balck)
– a green wire
– a GRAY wire
Can someone help me understand how to hook cable up to the Bot Board?
Also, the Tutorial’s figure 9 refers to “I/O VS”, “I/O Gnd” and “I/O 5vdc”. These pins don’t seem to be marked on the board, or at least I’m not sure where they go. I hate to guess because I’m afraid of damaging the board.
Okay, w/ ohm meter I got the colors sorted out, but I still need help with locating the “I/O VS”, “I/O Gnd” and “I/O 5vdc” pins.
Also, in the tutorial Figure 10 there are a blue and violet wire from P11 and p10 to CMD and ATT. These wires did not come with my board. Do I hook these up using wire that I have laying around?
But put simply the 4 wire group: goes to the IOs which is the pins more toward the inside of the board (farther from the edge). With the brown going on p12.
The three wire connector which actually is two pins is the power and ground. Put the black toward the outside of the board(ground) and red in the center pin (power). Don’t need to do anything with the other two wires.
If you look at Figure 9 in Step 9 you will see a diagram that exactly matches your description. This one diagram shows up in every tutorial that uses the PS2 controller cable. The schematics are slower to get updated. We will get them all updated in time.
They are referring to the center power pins on the I/O array. The outside row is ground, the middle row can be configured for nothing, 5vdc, or VS, depending on where you place the jumper on the header posts labeled VS 5V. This is explained in great detail in the Bot Board II manual.
They’re NOT going to DAT and CMD, they’re going to the LED inputs. This is the other side of the connectors. The text clearly states this is illustrated as a test and therefore not required.
We will update the schematics to hopefully make it more clear.
We have corrected the colors on the schematic to match the current version of the PS2 cable. We also updated the main schematic to properly reflect what jumpers are used. In other words I removed the jumpers that were not required. Sorry for the trouble this caused.