Hello Robotshop. Some months ago, I purchased two necomimi units ( robotshop.com/ca/en/neurosky … -ears.html ) and both units broke. The first one broke after a few months of use (recieved them at end of july 2015) and I stopped using it around a week ago, friday october 23 2015. Problem: left ear is breaking down. Since then, I was wearing the second unit of the purchase and it lasted only a week and broke yesterday, saturday october 31 2015 with no warning. The left ear just stopped moving.
I contacted the manufacturer, they are investigating on their side and they suggested I turn towards you for an exchange of the defective units. Each unbits should have a life expectancy of a year or two for the price paid. I link here the relevant Consumer Protection Office articles for the province of Québec ( opc.gouv.qc.ca/consommateur/ … ommercant/ ) where I am living. I hope for a swift answer.