Neato error after new litium battery. Battery issue 0002

I have a Neato signature pro and recently bought lithium battery.
It seems as when the battery is fully charged i get an error “batterie issue 0002” and i have to manually restart the device.

Im no longer able to use schedule vacuum.

Anyone know if there is a fix?

See attached file.

Anyone… ?

Hey @Okin82

Were you having issues with the battery before?
The Signature Pro usually use NiMH batteries, not Lithium.

Have you purchased OEM batteries?
This may be an issue if you haven’t, as well.

Hi, sorry for late reply.

Did not have any issue like this before.

The original NiMh works, but lasts for a few minutes so I bought this as they have great reviews on Amazon etc.

But as said, when its fully charged i get that error and i have to restart it. It then tells me to charge as the battery is low, if i let it stay charging for only a few min it works.

The problem is that when it stays in its charger over night or a couple of days i constantly have to restart it because of the error.

Is it possible to adjust some charge settings so this will go away?


It’s likely due to the fact that you are using Li-Ion batteries on a charger that is meant to charge NiMH. The Neato can detect the difference in amps necessary to charge the batteries and prompt an error 0002.

I’d strongly suggest to go with a Neato Brand battery pack to fix the issue.

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Recently, I’ve experience the same problem. I put new batteries to the old machine (it developped different problem many years ago and is sitting on the shelf). The old machine has no issues with batteries. New and old.
In my opinion, there is a problem with a charger module.

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Hi @Jan_23 and welcome to our forum!

Are you also using original Neato battery?

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