Name of Giant Robot Dinosaur Kit from years back

Just a quick question if anybody here remembers seeing one of these things and if so what the name of it is.

About 10-15 years ago there was a kit for a giant (I remember it being roughly 3ft long, 1.5ft tall, 1ft wide) robotic stegosaurus or brontosaurus toy that could do rudimentry things like walk foward, shake its head and launch missles. It was designed very much like a ZOIDs type kit, and may have actually belonged to that toy line. I can’t remember for sure if it had a remote control or not, but am thinking it did. Again nothing fancy, just start walking, stop walking, fire missles. Probably it had some kind of remote, but was teathered to the main body, possibly an optional add-on. It definately was a massive do it yourself type kit, with hundreds if not thousands of little pieces you had to remove the frame yourself. The most noticable parts were gold colored metal plated plastic plates. The overal color scheme was red, grey and gold.

The only other things I remember about it is that when they were new they retailed in Toys R us for $198.99. I remember specifically because this was an insane amount of money for a little kid and tried saving up enough to buy it, so I made a small funderaiser type thermometer with that number on it which stayed on my wall for awhile. Also about 5 years ago I found one in Odd Lot for around $20. Really hitting myself for not getting that one, as this was something I wanted so badly when I was younger.

The closest thing I can find is the battlesaurs and gordos ZOID kits pictured below:

In reality it is very possible that as a little kid I saw those two kits side by side along with the price and put them together in my mind into some super kit which doesn’t actually exist. My strongest recollection of when I saw the same kit again in Odd Lot was how much smaller it was than I remembered, enough to be reason I didn’t get it since originally I didn’t think it was the same thing.

Just wondering if anybody remembers this. In case anybody wants to know the reason why I’m asking is I was asked to come up with a top ten list of things I wanted as a kid for a staff development workshop. They really shouldn’t have asked that since for the rest of the workshop instead of listening, I was trying to figure this out. :stuck_out_tongue:

heh heh, “Night Vision eyes light up” :laughing:

i do the same thing tillin, i imagine something that i thought was really and it ended up not being so :laughing:

Would it be possible you are just taller now?

taller??? no way man… but strangly the christmas trees seem smaller, actuly, the trees were bigger when I was younger :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing:

Strangly enough I was looking on an online website and you can still buy these ZOIDs. If you would like to know where I’ll post a link.

Number 5 reason I like being old: You get another shot at childhood.