
I accidently hit upon this site. Since then I have been visiting this site often. This has brought back my past memories of making valve and transistor radios. I was inspired enough to come back again and again. I have purchased a Pickit2 programmer and a demo board with PIC16f690. With all the liberal information from net and perticularly this site, I could not resist making up something of my own.  I used the two geared motors from toys. wired up a H bridge with L293E. It is all joined together by hand with glue and cable ties. It is moving. It is going crazy with the input from LDR sensors. I am working on A2D conversion code and is looking for better sensors. Here is what I got so far. Thank you all for the inspiration. I am enjoying the learning / doing experience again !!!! This is a work in progress contraption, which I will  alter as and when my learning progresses.

One thing I have to admit that  the enthusiasm of the guys here in this site is highly contagious !!!


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Very zippy for sure. Like the size also.

any ideas?

Is there a reason you had him stop every second or two? I assume its to control speed… I’m just curious. It seems like a great build and I am always a fan of watching people’s skills develop and how that reflects in thier bots. Keep at it!