Myactuator RMD-S motors software problem

New user here, came to ask if anybody has had any luck using Myactuator RMD-S V2 motors with the config software?
Their current page doesn’t have any info for V2 but I used Wayback machine to find older versions.

The RMD Motor Assistant V2.0 software seems to be able to speak to the motor using a FTDI USB-COM485-PLUS1 interface, i get data from it but the software I found just returns “Connect Error Read product information failed!”

The current V3 software at the Myactuator page doesn´t connect either but I guess that is for a newer motherboard on the motors.

Any help is welcome! You can find me here or at instagram araya_instruments


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Hi @dar303 and welcome to our forum.

Sorry to hear about the problem.

It seems that you purchased this motor from RobotShop like 1.5 years ago, is that correct? If yes, was it working fine before or you just started using it now?

Have you contacted MyActuator support? (


I just started using it now.
They answered my support email and sent the correct software, its working now!
I’m going to email and thank them and ask them to put it up on their download page if possible!

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That is great news!

You can maybe post a solution and a software here, is some of the members need it in the future.

Thank you.

I am having the same problem with a new RMD-L-7025 Servo. PC recognizes the device (usb) and 12VDC applied to motor. All green leds… Using RMD Assistant V2 and error = “CCom error 1”. I reached out to I am in HOPE mode. LOL

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Hi @Desert_Dog ,

Have you got reply from MyActuator?

There may be some delay in reply from them because of Chinese New Year holidays.