My Yellow Drum Machine (in Progress)

so for the suspension the

so for the suspension the wheel gets suspended

on a thing sort like a bike pedal except the wheel is the pedal in this case

or this is totally wrong

thanks a lot for the help


Yes like a bike pedal, if you were to remove one crank arm and pedal, put the wheel where the other pedal is you would have it.

There are a few cars with this suspension Volkwagen bug for example, it is a common suspension on tanks, Tiger, Panther and the M113 to name a few.

best regards



Cool drawing, thanks
Cool drawing, thanks

I love the wheels! Love the suspension! love the layout! Very cool. Cant wait to see more.

Added Final Drive Drawings

Hi all,

a few more drawings, this time of the final drives.

These fit in the 10.9mm holes in the hull sides, the hole sizes will depend on the ball bearings used.

I wont add anymore drawings unless LMR’s ask, I might put a few more photos up.

all the best

from down under

yh some few picture would be

yh some few picture would be great if you could

i’ld get a real visual of the bot

are you planning to power
are you planning to power all the electronics with the same battery pack?


Hi Noise0

at the moment the lot is powered by the one 7.2V set of NiCads, I split the supply in to reg and unreg, the motors are driven from the unreg supply.

I will see how it goes, at the moment i am having no problems the robot drives all the way the the knee in the discharge curve.

I have a bit more electronics to add, I have left room for another battery pack and I have set it up so I can run the reg side from another pack.

best regards from down under

i think that those tamya

i think that those tamya morots are very noisy

on YDM you have to develop a microphone ampli to sense the sounds…

I challange you to make it working properly when motors are running under a single batt pack…

I hate a lot to insert a second batt pack , i am very interested in how to obtain a clean regulated power line even when CC motors works… i have got best results with PI filters using resistor between the caps of the PI… but this lower the max current.


Power Packs

Hi Noise0,

just to let you know, I had a think about your advice and I split the power packs in to a 7.2v 900ma and a 4.8V2400ma pack.

This solves a number of problems, the 7V was too hard on the motors anyway. So I have increased my run time (lots) and cut some noise out, previously I had got most of the bush noise out, but now I don’t see it on the 5V rail so that is excellent, just got some small switching transits.

I put Pi filters in also, putting this one aside for awhile I started cutting metal for the XMOS robot; which is my version of the leaf robot, with the code ported to Linux.

all the best



What are you using to
What are you using to control the motors? If it’s a DIY borad, could you post some diagrams or instructions? Thanks.

Motor Control

Hi e-square12

I am just using a l293, see

best regards


So the L293 would be enough

So the L293 would be enough for the tamiya dual gearbox? That’s strange…I thought gears were a type of load for motors, which would result in a higher Amp draw…oh well. Thanks for answering.

PS: I found a very simple design for PWM and made a mix of Oddbot’s relay design. It’s pretty much the same controller used for Mr. Basic, but all my components are free (scavenged) and I think mine has more amps… =)


Hi e-square12,

the L293 seem to work ok, I have fitted a heat sink now, and dropped the motor voltage down to 4.8V; they do get warm.

I drive them using PWM and the video shows motors running at 7.2V (feed to l293) with the PWM running at 35%.

Eletric motors have a sweet spot (RPM) where the power is highest, below that the current will increase, the trick is to match the RPM to the load.

all the best


Not-So-Yellow Drum Machine!

Where do you stand with this project? Is it done…or what reamins in your to do list? The aluminum parts look great and the suspension too. I would really like to see it finished (drumming, not so much…but it’s an amazing development platform).



Hi E-Square12,

I have put it aside while I do some work on my XMOS Challenge Robot.

Basically the Sonar is running, the drum sticks and motors are done and mounted, I need to build the driver for the drum stick motors. I should put some new photos up.

best regards
