Success!! Finally figured out the code (somewhat).... I've never programmed that's my biggest challenge. But once it dawned on me "some of" the little ins and outs of the syntax.... very rewarding to finally have the robot behave in some successful fashion. I'm still not sure of how all the code does what it does... but every time I tinker with the code and study it.... I can see what the coding is doing. Little by little. Compared to other robots I've seen on this site... I have something to strive towards.... but building this (and getting it to do something that I've programmed) is very rewarding. ..... I'm studying those manuals, Chris :-) Thank you for the help.
Personality Trait: avoidance
Actuators / output devices: single servo
CPU: Picaxe 28x1
Operating system: XP
Programming language: yes
Sensors / input devices: Sharp GP2Y0A21YK0F IR sensor