My very first attempt at robotics

Its my version of the "start here" robot.

Its a Picaxe 28x1 Microcontroler driven 2 wheel robot that is guided by infra red sensors.

So far I have a box of wrong parts. An Assempled Picaxe 28x1 using a single 330 ohm resistor instead of the yellow chip.

The wheels were made by myself and mounted on a Tamiya Four speed double gearbox assembly.

All My photos can be seen on my website

I will be using a GP2D12 ir sensor which is not recomended.

I will also be using a continuous rotation servo which is not recomended. (yeah I am a daredevil)

Next thing to be done is assemble the Tamiya Gearbox so here I go

Gearbox is assembled
One more peice of the elephant eaten :)))