Hi I’m living Istanbul, Turkey. And we have been doing robotics contests for ten years… Firstly I’m sorry for my bad english… Here is my last sumo Cellat ( it means Executioner) I will add new pictures.
Actually it has three pleksiglass plane.
Ä°t uses 4 Maxon motors, They rated 48V!! Yess:) Motors are weighing 400gr ea. It’s wheels are 6cm diameter Neoprene formula tires… Motors have 638 rpm and 14 kg-cm torque. I’m Using 36 Nimh AAA cells.
Ä°n red body
http://www.robotmaster.org/cellat/cellatustkapaksiz.jpg http://www.robotmaster.org/cellat/cellatyantekersiz.jpg
And Other Technical Specs… Ä°t’s fast approximetly 1,2 meter second. it weighs 3,050 gr with tolerances. I’m Using pic 16F877 as mcu. LMD18200T motor controller circiut I’m using. it has switching reg. Lm2575 Ic.