My Sumo Robot Cellat - 4 Maxon Motor

Hi :slight_smile: I’m living Istanbul, Turkey. And we have been doing robotics contests for ten years… Firstly I’m sorry for my bad english…:slight_smile: Here is my last sumo Cellat ( it means Executioner) :slight_smile: I will add new pictures.
Actually it has three pleksiglass plane.
Ä°t uses 4 Maxon motors, They rated 48V!! Yess:) Motors are weighing 400gr ea. It’s wheels are 6cm diameter Neoprene formula tires… Motors have 638 rpm and 14 kg-cm torque. I’m Using 36 Nimh AAA cells.
Ä°n red body
And Other Technical Specs… Ä°t’s fast approximetly 1,2 meter second. it weighs 3,050 gr with tolerances. I’m Using pic 16F877 as mcu. LMD18200T motor controller circiut I’m using. it has switching reg. Lm2575 Ic.

IT’s laser cut plan:
At plan it has three planes.

Middle draw is upper deck. It has five round cuts for program buttons one lcd panel cut…
left drawing is mother plane. Circiut boards are screwed…

It’s movement pics… at 19V.

More photo & info at

I love 3kg sumo! You have a nice robot there. Good job!

sure looks pretty beefy. :smiley: