My suggestion

Beginners like me want to build the same robots on home page
I think there are few documents about how to build them !!
So could the authors supply some instructions of building your
robots when you post pictures of robots on home page ??
hehe , Excuse me , English is not my native language !!

The idea is to make a log

The idea is to make a log showing your robot building progress so others can get inspiration/tips/help, but not everyone puts as much effort into it as others. That said, this isnt instructables and its not necessary to detail every step needed to reproduce it.

If there`s a particular robot you want to build, you should ask questions on that robots page or contact the builder.

But I think reproducing some
But I think reproducing some robots is necessary for our beginners.
We can get familar with them through rebuilding process, then
we can build robots with our style. oh,maybe there are grammar
errors in the sentences.

Start with building the

Start with building the START HERE robot (you find it on the top menu)

It is a very thoroughly documented walk-through. And very many of us here at LMR has built one (or something fairly similar) yourselves. So there is a lot of help to be found, just remember to ask the right questions. By the time you’ve built and programmed it, you’ll have learned a lot of basics about how to build and program you robot, so it will be easier to understand the whats, hows and whys on many other robots on this site.

Most people who post their builds here on LMR are rather proud od their constructions and will be only too happy to elaborate on their clever accomplishments. But they can’t be arsed to actually re-build their robot for you, so you must be prepared to do some thinking, some faulty wiring, some clever construction and some research (google and wikipedia are your freinds) on your own.

Thanks for your replying.
Thanks for your replying. I’ll be prepared to do some thinking and some research.
Then to ask the right questions!! Thanks a lot !!