If someone can help me.
My RobotShop Rover PCB V2.0 don’t turn on by S1 key any more.
I checked everything. The batteries are ok.
When I plug the usb cable, then it turn on!
If I unpluged the usb cable it still turn on, but do not response the programming.
If I turn off and try to turn on, it don’t start.
Thaks for any help.
Have you tried plugging in the 4xAA battery pack?
Note that if you use anything but a 3.7V LiPo, the LiPo jumper at the left rear of the board needs to be removed.
Can you provide a clear photo or two of the PCB here?
Yes, I used with 4xAA battery pack plugged.
The jumper was removed, too.
This is the link to the PCB photos: dropbox.com/sh/ooep5c2bskyb … 42sba?dl=0
To troubleshoot, you’ll need to remove everything from the PCB; it’s hard to tell if any of them are causing issues.
We see in the photos that the LiPo jumper is in place despite using the 4xAA battery holder, which should not be the case.
When you say “S1 key”, do you mean the switch at the right rear of the board?
Final note that AA batteries don’t last long - around 30 minutes, and if you leave the rover ON, they will continue to drain.
Ok I will do that.
Yes, S1 key is that switch at the right rear of the board.
I realized that 4xAA batteries are consumed quickly. So I bought a LiPo 3.7V to put in place.
Thanks for now.
To charge the 3.7V LiPo, you’ll need to leave the USB connected to a wall adapter (or powered computer) for a few hours. Ensure you have the LiPo jumper in place.
The robot’s speed will be reduced since the voltage is 3.7V instead of 6V, but you won’t be eating up AA batteries.
I replaced the batteries 4x4 by Lipo 3.7V, but there is something wrong.
Some components of the PCB are heating up too much. It seems to me that is the voltage controllers. Measure the voltage Lipo and it is delivering 3.7V.
I think we turn something wrong, which damaged the PCB.
I think I’ll have to buy new card.
Thank you.
Can you provide a few clear photos of the PCB itself? We’ll see if we can spot anything.
When using the AA pack, be sure to remove the LiPo jumper at the left rear of the board.