My Robotic Sentry

Been awhile since I have posted, but I wanted to share my 4 wheel drive robot I made. I am using a SSC32 and some parts from the servo erector set. Check out my first video


and my site with the supporting documents


Please give me some feedback.


Coolness! A little yardsale stuff, some homebrew stuff, and a little off the shelf stuff, an informative website tutorial! Very nice project. I give it an A+, good job!

Very nice rover. :smiley: It looks like you are making good use of the SES for that pan/tilt assembly.

Very cool! Looks like mostly everything was custom built by yourself. Yes, the satisfaction of fo it yourself projects :smiley:

Hey thanks people, I guess it is bit homebrew and bit professional grade lynxmotion equipment. I painted it last night a made a new program to accommodate the coat. Ill post new video soon.


Nice job, I really like the head movement.

Thank you.

Yes the head movement is done with the SSC-32. During that video shooting the logic was such that, it must look for an opening let or right when a front obstacle was noticed. If none is present it will go backwards then look for an opening. I have yet been able to trap this thing. It seems to get out of any maze challange.

The way you are using and moving the pan/tilt is excellent! I just converted my WALTER robot to using a front mounted pan/tilt, but need to get the movements smoothed out.

I will look and see if you have a code listing and maybe I can convert the pan/tilt portion for the Basic Atom/Atom PRO.


I basically send a serial command from the Basic Stamp to the SSC-32. Here is one line of code to move a servo.

SEROUT SerialCom, baud, "#30 P1550 T100", CR] ' Horazontial plane PAUSE 100

o SEROUT is a command to send serial data
o SerialCom is a constant that I use as a port for the serial communication
o Baud is the baud rate I needed to use to communicate to the SSC-32
o #30 is the pin my servo is connected to
o P1550 is the position i want to move to
o T100 is the time
o CR is carrage return
o and then i pause my BAsic Stamp so that the servo can catch up before i exacute the next line of code.

I fixed the broke links on my site so get more information there if you need it.