…a long time ago…about 25 years ago actually I made a lifesize rc R2 out of cardboard, sweat and a lot of tape. It made it through one sf convention before I had to mothball it because of rain the very next day, lol. Now after a long thought process over the years and after visiting so many conventions (last being the celebration III and IV). I decided this is it. I love a challenge, I’ve love the entire astrodroid concept as well as Star Wars (of course) and face it R2’s the real hero. So this is my attempt to recreate a hero to us all R2-D2
This is my fully functional scratch built R2-D2 with spinning dome and openning panels including accuating arms
Actuators / output devices: 3 x 100w electric scooter motors, 2 x Futaba modified Servos, Sabertooth dual 25A motor driver, SyRen 10A Regenerative Single Motor Driver
Control method: Futaba 2.4Ghz T7C
Power source: 4 x 9v standard rechargeables squares batteries, 4 x 12v 18amp
Sensors / input devices: CreativeLabs 4.1 surround system
My blog has all the details My blog has all the details about the entire building process. However, the interior is a wooden frame. I then wrapped around that 2 mm thick airplane plywood. Then I wrapped around that 1 mm thick polystyrene (carvd out the panels first). Finally, about 4 coats of semigloss white paint. That building process took about 3-4 months
Pretty awesome stuff. Do you Pretty awesome stuff. Do you have get togethers there of several people intersted in building R2s and help each other out?
Thanks, Unfortunatley I’m Thanks, Unfortunatley I’m the only builder where I live so I had to figure a lot out by myself. however there are 2 major R2 building forums that can help anyone get started in the right direction
thank you…it was a major thank you…it was a major challenge but i loved it. I have a second one already on the starting blocks but may do a 1:1 scale Wall e or Drodikas first
actually after seeing actually after seeing everyones work here at LMR I’m kind of wanting to do that for my second artoo or possibly for my up and coming 1:1 scale Wall e project.