My R2-D2
…a long time ago…about 25 years ago actually I made a lifesize rc R2 out of cardboard, sweat and a lot of tape. It made it through one sf convention before I had to mothball it because of rain the very next day, lol. Now after a long thought process over the years and after visiting so many conventions (last being the celebration III and IV). I decided this is it. I love a challenge, I’ve love the entire astrodroid concept as well as Star Wars (of course) and face it R2’s the real hero. So this is my attempt to recreate a hero to us all R2-D2
This is my fully functional scratch built R2-D2 with spinning dome and openning panels including accuating arms
- Actuators / output devices: 3 x 100w electric scooter motors, 2 x Futaba modified Servos, Sabertooth dual 25A motor driver, SyRen 10A Regenerative Single Motor Driver
- Control method: Futaba 2.4Ghz T7C
- Power source: 4 x 9v standard rechargeables squares batteries, 4 x 12v 18amp
- Sensors / input devices: CreativeLabs 4.1 surround system
- Target environment: Indoor or outdoor