Looks really good!
Maybe a design for the back (abdomen)?
Alan KM6VV
Looks really good!
Maybe a design for the back (abdomen)?
Alan KM6VV
Still looking good…
Sorry if you already said it but, what are you using to cut your parts ?
Thanks for the comments guys! :mrgreen:
When you say back, do you mean the red body plate area?
I’m using a CNC milling machine that we have in school - I’ve uploaded a photo of it. ^_____^
Pretty nice machine…
Can’t wait to start cutting my MiniHex on my side.
I saw the image of your parts - they look very nice! Looking forward to seeing your mini hexapod! :mrgreen:
Yes, the back of the bug’s abdomen. The big red plate.
Who makes the router? (CNC)
Alan KM6VV
I’ve got a design in mind for that at the moment - I just need to draw it up neatly; I’ll post it later for everyone to have a look. :mrgreen:
The CNC machine is made by a company called Techsoft.
Hi guys! ^____^
I forgot to draw up the design neatly , but I’m stuck between ideas for what I could use on the body plate. I was personally going for the Nazca line Spider design but the other two (the brush stroke calligraphy and sun symbol) are pretty cool too. I’d love to know what you guys think! :mrgreen:
I think I’d go with the Nazca lines.
Alan KM6VV
Cool, I’ll be cutting that out tomorrow then. :mrgreen:
Hi everyone! I’ve managed to record an (almost ) decent video of the new NEXUS’ basic actions (I’m still writing the code for the fancy actions). ENJOY! :mrgreen:
Nice Job!
Alan KM6VV
Thanks! :mrgreen:
My hat is off to you! I have watched your posts about this project with great interest since the beginning. It was a long time coming, and I am sure you must have been frustrated at times.
Now comes the video, and [size=150]IT IS ALIVE![/size]
Congratulations to you. It is a well conceived, well executed project. Well worth the effort and never boring or disappointing as you documented your achievement.
RoboTed, you’re back! It’s been a while, how have you been?
Thank you for all the compliments, I’m flattered - I’m glad you liked the project. :mrgreen:
More videos to come soon (I hope). ^____^
what are your servo pinout in relation to your legs
cool project
As in what pins I’m using for the servos in the legs? Pins 0 - 11. ^___^
yes, like eg. p0 = front right rotate , p1 = femur up/down etc
i want to try the code but i dont know the servo pins.
Oh right, sorry about that - a misunderstanding on my behalf. ^___^
A picture’s worth a thousand words - I’ve also attached a more up-to-date version of the walking code which you might find better.
P.S. I’ve written tons of different types of walking code experimenting with all the angles and some have worked better than others depending on the type of NEXUS I programmed; if you’d like those, just let me know. :mrgreen:
nexus v.6 - walking.bas (1.73 KB)