My Quadruped Project

Thank you for all the positive feedback! :mrgreen:
Waking up early every morning helped a lot in making progress - as the saying goes “The early robo-bird catches the worm”! ^___^

Answering your question:
I’m using a plastic called Acrylic (even though people say it’s brittle I still like it; plus it’s one of the plastics which
I could find which had so much variety in colour).

I used a strip heater to heat up the line about which I wanted to bend and then once it was soft enough, I bent it about a sharp
right angle jig - I ended up using a uniformly cut block of wood. The thickness of the heating element (the wire) is important because the thicker the wire, the larger the radius of the bend.

I’m glad you liked the project - I’m working on my Praying Mantis robot at the moment so that should be interesting 8).

yes i agree with RoboTed. those parts look nice and clean. 8)

a great little project, that shows lots of work and time has been spent on this.
look forward to seeing it walk. :wink:

what the weight?

Thanks! :mrgreen:
The total mass of the robot (including the battery pack) comes to 2.3kg. The battery pack on its own is about 0.4kg! :open_mouth:

I don’t wish to seem like an alarmist or anything, but you do understand don’t you that catching a worm is generally not considered the best idea around computers. :smiling_imp:

That is one serious looking strip heater you showed us there. I’m jealous. It looks to be integrated with an adjustable bending brake for repeatable production work. I googled strip heaters and found everything from $20.00 heating wires to $800.00+ production units but did not find the one you pictured. I also tried working backward through your picture’s URL, but I got Enzo’s construction notes. :unamused:

Would you please tell me the make and model of what you have so I can get more info about it. Thank you.

Oh right, sorry - that was just a photo I found on google images which looked similar to mine. The one I use is the “Hot Wire Strip Heater 600” (catchy name right :wink:):

I’m not sure of they sell that exact model anymore (there was an auction on eBay for two of those for £20/$31.56 about 5 days ago but the seller said they weren’t in full working condition) but here is the site:

I hope this helped.

Hi everyone! Here’s the video of NEXUS! :mrgreen:

I did enjoy! You have had a great project…so far. I say this because I hope you don’t consider NEXUS as completely finished. Perhaps a temporary stopping or phase point, but there is always more you will think of someday. Congratulations also on the quality of your photography and videography. The care and attention to detail you put into your robot build carried over into these endeavors also.

Your project and postings show you take this all very seriously but that you don’t take yourself too seriously. Comments and captions such as “Epic Finishing pose!” reveal a reality checking sense of humor. Don’t ever lose that. We old guys will tell you a balanced sense of humor will get you through more rough patches in your career and life than all the seriousness in the world. [Philosophy 101 in a hobby forum. No extra charge. :stuck_out_tongue: ]

Looking forward to your next projects. :smiley:

Thank you RoboTed for all the wondeful compliments - I’m flattered. :blush:
I agree with you; I don’t think NEXUS will be completely finished because there are still so many things that I can add/change (one of those would be to add a remote control so I can control wirelessly - that would be awesome)!

I’ll make sure that the Praying Mantis project is even better! :mrgreen:

1980s Kung-Fu voice Thank you Wise One. I shall take these words of wisdom for a better tomorrow! ^___^

[size=200]I LOVE IT!!![/size]

[size=150]What a laugh![/size]


I forgot about this earlier but here’s the final code that I used. :mrgreen:
Actions - Part 2.bas (3.7 KB)
Actions - Part 1.bas (3.69 KB)

Hi again everyone! It’s been a while on this thread but I thought that I’d post some photos a friend of mine took of NEXUS - they’re much better than the ones I’ve taken so far anyway! :mrgreen:
ENJOY! ^___^

some great photos there. NEXUS looks great. :wink:
Your parts look very nice and professional.

Thank you! :blush: :mrgreen:
I’m trying to record a professional looking video this weekend of NEXUS doing it’s stuff - hopefully I can have that uploaded by Sunday (at the latest). ^___^

Look forward to seeing it. BTW what is its weight?

It’s about 2.25kg.

Hi everyone! :mrgreen:
Sorry for not posting but exam revision had taken priority; I’ve had two of them so far and three remaining (the Further Maths one was Differential Equations which wasn’t too bad and the Maths one which I had today was ewww; I really hate Statistics) - anyway, I have given myself a day off today and tomorrow so I can work on the robots some more. :smiley:

I’ve also got some news which all of you might like - I’m giving NEXUS another upgrade; this time with some ABS brackets/pieces! ^___^
I’m hoping to have it ready by tomorrow but if worst comes to worst, it’ll be ready by Monday. Here’s a photo of the ABS bracket - I’m blending in some grey this time. 8)

Ah Calculus. My favorite subject :laughing: Never got the chance to takes stats though.

Believe me, if you like Calculus then you’ll hate Stats. :mrgreen:

Today has been quite a busy day but it was worth the effort! ^____^
Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Robots and Humans, I present to you
NEXUS Version 6!

The new features include:

•New ABS servo brackets for the leg and foot servos.
•New ABS Head plate and ABS abdomen.
•Battery now contained within the robot so the battery container is no longer required making the top of the robot more aesthetically pleasing (i.e. the slimmer body looks so much better that the body with a chunky battery container on it ^___^).
•The head now has a 3rd D.O.F so it can move left/right, up/down and in a circle.
•The abdomen now has a 2nd D.O.F so it can now move right/left and up/down.
•Total D.O.F = 19. 12 for all the legs; 3 for the head; 2 for the mandibles and 2 for the abdomen.

I am seriously overjoyed about how well it turned out and I’ll be doing some test videos if I have time - I’ve got to start revision again tomorrow so I’ll try tonight but if I don’t, you might have to wait a little while until I get some time! :mrgreen:

P.S. I’ll see if I can get some professional photographs taken as soon as possible. ^___^