My Quadruped Project

Thanks! Not a bad robot from a 17 year old! 8)

Hi everyone! Here’s the video that RoboTed requested about how I fixed the walking problem:

Also, here’s the code I used to set all the servos to their “0” position:

[code];This is the code I first used to set all the servos to “0”. MAKE SURE THAT THE SERVOS ARE ONLY CONNECTED TO THE BOT BOARD II

hservo [p0\0,p1\0,p2\0,p3\0,p4\0,p5\0,p6\0,p7\0,p8\0,p9\0,p10\0,p11\0][/code]

The project is now finished (more or less - I’ll attach the abdomen and upload a photograph of it shortly)!

I would like to thank everyone on this thread for their help, support and patience! [size=150]THANK YOU EVERYONE![/size]

[size=200] :mrgreen: [/size]

Oh and I have one final question - I’ve connected the head and abdomen servos to the pins 12 and 13 (of the BB2) but they don’t seem to respond when the robot is running even though I’m using the HSERVO command. Is there any way I can fix this?

Thank you!

Make sure you have the black wire on the outside and the yellow wire on the inside. Make sure the bank they are plugged into is set up for VS, not 5vdc. Maybe post images and the code for less guesswork.

Sorry, I’ve been a total fool :blush: . The jumpers weren’t on the pins like they are on the other ones and it now works perfectly! :smiley:

I’m going to re-design the head so that I can add small servos to the mandibles to make them move. Thank you for the help! :mrgreen:

Sorry everyone, I’ve been quite busy lately but I’ve finished making the new head with the movable mandibles and I’ll be uploading a video shortly. The difference between the old head and the new head is that the new head has four red eyes and space for the servos to go (I liked the shape so I kept that the same :mrgreen:).

Nice… !
I may take mine out of the dark… :slight_smile:

Need some more HS645MG to finish it…

Nice work

Thank you! :smiley:
I’d like to see it! :mrgreen:

Forum thread here

But didn’t put time on it for a while.

I was stuck wanting to make parts for it… and then… i buy a CNC … and the CNC is not working since… lol
So no part… but yesterday i made the CNC move… :slight_smile:

It looks very nice and all of the curves give it nice aesthetic properties! Well done! :smiley:

Hey, man,
Sorry I missed this one earlier. Your walking video shows some smooth,quick motion. This explanatory video is not at all confusing but nice, concise and well put together.
Again, well done! :smiley:

Thanks! This is probably the first major robot project I’ve ever done and I’m surprised that it came together so well - Oh yes, here’s the latest video of Nexus (it does a bit of walking, some turning and then a few bites):

ENJOY! :mrgreen:

Still lookin’ good. Seems like a bit of slippage like a newbie skater trying to find his legs on a frozen pond. :slight_smile:

If I may be permitted a small suggestion: You have done a lot of very nice work making those beautiful parts. Before you make any drastic changes trying to gain traction, why not get a set of the rubber feet designed to slip over metal tubes? Most home improvement stores carry them in a variety of sizes. They should be flexibile enough to fit the flat shape of your legs, and they will give you some idea of how much traction you should add. I’ll bet you can find a way to cut down the slippage without spoiling your great work.

The main thing is you successfully invented something which puts you way ahead of me! :smiley: :open_mouth: :neutral_face: :frowning:

I’m always open to suggestions (after all, I’m still a learner)! :mrgreen:
I’m sorry but I should have filmed the robot on a better surface, the table I was using was very slippery so the grip was a problem and I do have some thin red rubber caps which I use as grips but I forgot them at home. :frowning: :angry:
Nexus walks well on other major surfaces without the caps, e.g. wood and metal (yes, I tried it on a sheet of aluminium and steel because I’m weird :mrgreen:) but the layer of plastic (I think it was melamine formaldehyde) seemed to be a bad and slippery choice. I’ll try to film it on some wood next time! :mrgreen:

Small suggestion, as my mother would say,

“Pick up your feet, you’re shuffling!”

Alan KM6VV

I’ll do that next! :mrgreen:
Then I’ll finish off the abdomen and then I’ll upload a few photos and a video. 8)

Ok I’ve finished the abdomen and I think I’ve resolved the shuffling problem. Here are a photos of the finished robot (I’ll upload a video shortly):

Are you sure it’s not a Japanese beetle? (inscription)

Looks very nice!

Alan KM6VV

Ah, I see that you spotted the language as being Japanese. :mrgreen:
To be perfectly honest, I was going for a Japanese rhinoceros beetle themed robot but then it just seemed to turn out as a spider ^_^.

During my spare time, I am currently working on a praying mantis style robot with the legs being similar to the 4 D.O.F T-Hex legs and then the upper body more like the Jonny-5 type (as in the arms with a decent amount of movement and sharp claws instead of hands, etc.). I’m designing the circuit board at the moment and it’ll have about 85 I/O pins (thanks to the micro-controller I’ll be using).

I’m glad you liked the robot and thank you for the comment! :mrgreen: