My Quadruped Project

Why would you replace 645’s with 422’s? This makes no sense to me…

I thought “Why not, I’m not going anywhere with the movement” - it was a moment of foolishness :blush:.
Is there any way to use some hexapod code and modify it to control the quadrapod autonomously using only the Bot Board II (since that’s all I’m using and I haven’t got the PS2 controller thingy :frowning: ).

Also, this is probably completely random, but is a four legged robot called a “quadrapod” or a “quadruped”? (Six legs is hexaPOD and two legs is biPED so I’m totally confused :confused:).

You will see the two used interchangeably. Quadruped is correct. Hexapod and Quadrapod are both slang.

WOOHOO! :mrgreen:
I’ve got it walking straight! :smiley:. I’ll upload a video of it walking soon (and also doing some turns and stuff)! :mrgreen:

[size=85]The term ped (from Latin pod/ped = foot. This rule somewhat applies to others[/size]E.g
[size=150]Uni-ped 1 legged
**Bi-ped ** 2 legged
**Tri-pod ** 3 legged
**Quad-ruped ** 4 legged
Penta-pod 5 legged
**Hexa-pod ** 6 legged
**Septa-ped **7 legged
Octo-pod 8 legged
**Novea-ped ** 9 legged
Deca-pod 10 legged[/size]

Just some info for you there! :wink:
look forward to the video. :slight_smile:

Cool, I’ve learnt something new today! :smiley:
Also, this is probably completely random, but all the “pods” can form a sequence of triangles:

I have a question; is it possible for a quadruped (like my one) to move in an exact straight line? (I’ve managed to get mine to walk almost straight - it’s about 10-15 degrees off but the fine tuning is being totally annoying :angry: !).

I’ve seen the one you can build using the lynxmotion brackets which then give you 90 degree bends when the servos are in there “0” positions and they probably walk straight (because there aren’t any odd curved legs and feet.

A video would be a good tool for helping.

the dimentions and shape of your design wouldnt have anything to do with the robot walking off to one side. as long as the joints are set at 90º it should perform normally.

as jim said a video would be good.

in your other video the legs done really seem to lift off, but they slide across the table. is the table level. does it walk off to the left on every surface. just trying to illuminate so of the obvious.

take a look at my quad project. although it is a 4dof it uses a body shift to allow the legs to lift up without falling over.

ok back to your quad… make sure your assembly is correct and that the legs all sit at 90º!! very important.

Wow! :open_mouth:
It moves like a real spider, very nice!

I’ll check everything mentioned and I’ll see what happens. Thank you for the help! :smiley:

Happy Halloween everyone! :smiling_imp:

I’ve got NEXUS about 98% completed (it’s just missing the abdomen) but I’ll upload a photo now. Sorry for the poor quality but it’s pretty dark now so I can’t get it much better with the camera I have but I’ll upload a few nice ones tomorrow (with the abdomen). :smiley:

What does everyone think about it?

Will you be shifting over to Phoenix code? I just noticed upon re-reading the thread that you were using your own “canned” steps. Good way to learn, but I think you’d like the Phoenix moves!

Alan KM6VV

Well this is the code I’m currently using to get it to work and I’ll be uploading a video of it walking properly (finally :unamused: ) shortly:

[code]pause 5000

command var byte
xx var byte

;------- MAIN -------;


command = 5
gosub move
pause 2500

command = 2
for xx = 1 to 3
gosub move

command = 5
gosub move
pause 2500

command = 1
for xx = 1 to 4
gosub move

command = 5
gosub move
pause 2500


if(command = 1) then ;WALK FORWARDS
;First Step - Top Right and Bottom Left
hservo [p0\2000\200,p1\3000\200,p2\3000\200,p3-2000\200,p4\0,p5\0,p6-2000\200,p7\0,p8\0,p9\2000\200,p10-3000\200,p11-3000\200,p12\1500\200,p13\6500\50]
pause 175
hservo [p0\4000\200,p1\3000\200,p2\3000\200,p3-2000\200,p4\0,p5\0,p6-2000\200,p7\0,p8\0,p9-4000\200,p10-3000\200,p11-3000\200,p12-1500\200,p13\6500\50]
pause 175
hservo [p0\4000\200,p1\1000\200,p2\0,p3-2000\200,p4\0,p5\0,p6-2000\200,p7\0,p8\0,p9-4000\200,p10-1000\200,p11\0,p12\1500\200,p13\6500\50]
pause 50
;End of first step
;Second Step - Top Left and Bottom Right
hservo [p0\2000\200,p1\0,p2\0,p3-2000\200,p4\3000\200,p5\3000\200,p6-2000\200,p7-3000\200,p8-3000\200,p9\2000\200,p10\0,p11\0,p12-1500\200,p13\6500\50]
pause 175
hservo [p0\2000\200,p1\0,p2\0,p3\4000\200,p4\3000\200,p5\3000\200,p6-4000\200,p7-3000\200,p8-3000\200,p9\2000\200,p10\0,p11\0,p12\1500\200,p13\6500\50]
pause 175
hservo [p0\2000\200,p1\0,p2\0,p3\4000\200,p4\1000\200,p5\0,p6-4000\200,p7-1000\200,p8\0,p9\2000\200,p10-1000\200,p11\0,p12-1500\200,p13\6500\50]
pause 50
;End of second step

  elseif(command = 2)       ;DANCING

hservo [p0\2000\1000,p1-3000\1000,p2\0,p3-2000\1000,p4-3000\1000,p5\0,p6-2000\1000,p7\3000\1000,p8\0,p9\2000\1000,p10\3000\1000,p11\0,p12\0,p13\6500\1000]
pause 1500
hservo [p0\2000\1000,p1\0,p2\0,p3-2000\1000,p4\0,p5\0,p6-2000\1000,p7\0,p8\0,p9\2000\1000,p10\0,p11\0,p12\0,p13\6500\1000]
pause 1500

  elseif(command = 5)       ;REST POSITION

hservo [p0\2000\200,p1\1000\200,p2\0,p3-2000\200,p4\1000\200,p5\0,p6-2000\200,p7-1000\200,p8\0,p9\2000\200,p10-1000\200,p11\0,p12\0]
pause 500
hservo [p0\2000\200,p1\1000\200,p2\0,p3-2000\200,p4\1000\200,p5\0,p6-2000\200,p7-1000\200,p8\0,p9\2000\200,p10-1000\200,p11\0,p12\0,p13\6500\200]
pause 1000

goto main[/code]

It’s very basic but I’m terrible with programming (probably because the most I’ve ever done is to make a simple platformer flash game) but I was looking at the phoenix code and doesn’t it require a SSC-32 Servo Controller board as well as a BB2? I’m only using a BB2 at the moment.

Your “Halloween” picture is great! No need to apologise over its quality. It is sharp, clear, evenly lit, and well composed.

Your 4-legged hexapod, ( :open_mouth: Is this even possible? :confused: :confused:), certainly looks like it means business. A perfect posting for Halloween! I certainly would like to see a video of it in action soon. Even if it is a few tweaks away from perfect motion, it would be welcome. And then you could post a second video explaining how you solved any last problems.

As of now, WELL DONE!

True, you’d want an SSC-32 with the BB II, or an ARC-32.

Alan KM6VV

I’m planning on getting an ARC-32 because it has a lot more I/O pins (which would be useful for larger projects, well, projects that require more servos).

Thank you for the comment :mrgreen: ! Sorry, I should really get the name changed to “My Quadruped Project” (a hexapod with four legs is rather odd :laughing: ). The last problem(s) were solved pretty easily, this is what I did:

  1. Layed out all of the servos on the table and connected them to the BB2.
  2. Set all the servos to their “0” position. At this point I saw that some of them were slightly pointing to the right and that some were slightly pointing to the left. The ones pointing to the right were placed in the right legs and the left ones were placed in the left legs - luckly, there were 4 of each. There were then 4 left over which went into the main body.
  3. Since everything was now even, I just made the code symmetrical (as shown in the previous post) and programmed it.
    That’s all there was to it! I’ll post the video shortly.

Here are some much nicer photos of Nexus I took (during the day :laughing: ):

And here’s the video of it walking!

It does a few “press-ups” at the start and then begins to walk. :smiley:

Not bad! 8)

yay… looks great. nice speed to it too. 8)