my new project

my new project is a bot that helps around the house.i want to make one for my mom i want to have a charging station that it atonomusly charges it probly going to have it eather vacume or sweep with a swiffer going to use adrino and about 6 servos.for a charging station im going to have a botton on the bak of the bot that triggers a relay so it dose not fry components.

the shell of the bot is eather going to be a plastic case or a form of paper machea. strenthened with chicken wire or fabric so the user could paint it

im going to make a bog home made contact sensorso that whaen she shell is bumped it hit a switch that triggers a avoidence


Nice idea… Robots that
Nice idea… Robots that give something in return or help in some way are always appreciated. They are my favorites actually. Good luck with your new project!