My Mr General is acting odd

I just got my Mr General put togehter,  but he not working right.

please watch this video and give me any advice on how i might be able to fix him.

here my wireing

My guess would be

code for the right motor is reverse of what it should be. If it is servo powered, then the left side may be 75 - 225 (reverse - forward) and the right should then be 225 - 75 (reverse - forward).


I am confused, what are you saying?

no luck

just testet it on flat wood top desk, and on black sheet.  there was no change in how it acts. 

no luck yet

do you think i need a crystal oscillator?

i am useing a TXC 16.OUK2D right now


but that will just help it drive forward or backwards.  What about it tilt and pan for it front ir senors?

did a re wire

i went ahead and rewired my mr gen to this

I notice before i had forgot to put ground on pin 22 and VCC to pin 7.

now the robot will sit for a good 20 seconds when i turn it on,  then start doing the same thing that my video shows.


I also want to add i never uploaded or messed with any code.  I was told my chip was pre loaded.

here a image of my wireing


my wireing

just did some photoshop,  here a clear view of my wireing.


I am not sure if it is the right cristal

my cristal only has two pins,  and the ground only runs under it.  It is not connected to it in anyway.

**speaker **

just notice my specker was connect to the crisrtal,  I had to move it pin up one to go to the ground i have there.

this did not change how the robot acts

your right

it was,  thank you

I fixed that,  but no change in how the robot acts.

thank you

I might have,  I never delt with crystls before.

Know where i can order more?

taken a few classes

I only taken a few ECET classes,  I just got done with ECET 210.  I got a basic idea,  but i am not even sure what a crystal oscillator does.  If i did I would try and test it with my multi meter. 

I am also putting together a better video,  I hope it helps you all help me better :slight_smile:

thank you

here a new video and photos in it

no light

I do not think my camcorder is setup to see IR light

you sure?

I am sure I have them hooked up right,  I hate to try and remove them to flip them around to just test them.

i did notice the front left is getting low voltage,  when i get time I will check the tranismitter for it.