My Lil Q

This is my first robot. Based off of the walk through offered on this site. I used a PICAXE 28x1 pretty much all of the same parts used in the 1st how-to. Although I did just use a servo I had sitting around, and I wired the IR sensor using the ribbon cable instead of the way the walkthrough showed.

It works really well and I am definately inspired to do more now.

A big thank you to this site and the people on it to help me getting going in a field I have always wanted to play in!



This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Nice :slight_smile: Thanks for sharing

Nice :slight_smile: Thanks for sharing and welcome! Wonder what comes next?

Great! it’s almost identical

Great! it’s almost identical to the “start here” robot :slight_smile: Well done!

Fritsl you should be proud you have inspired many peoples into robotics with your tutorial… including me :slight_smile:

I am, it is & was my
I am, it is & was my intention with the site. :slight_smile: now go and make some crazy ■■■■ to show us, I hope we can keep inspiring each other!

great job! is that you in
great job! is that you in the background?

Thank you

I appreciate all the comments. I am already working on improving the programming, to teach my 'bot new tricks.

You like my Star Trek figures in the background? /grins