My Latest Robot, the "Artemis Nightshade"

The "Artemis Nightshade" is my second LMR robot, named after a friend's favorite character.  The Artemis is a new robot as well as a continuation of my "Luna Rose" project

The Artemis impliments some upgrades I had planned and purchased for the Luna, such as the RC Truck style wheels, Bluetooth and a LCD for feedback.

Unlike the Luna Rose which used a L298 motor controller, the Artemis uses a Pololu VNH5019 Arduino Shield configured as a stand alone controller inside the chassis to simplify wiring.

Taking a cue from the Luna Rose, which originated from Oddbot's Rover 5 modular wiring design, I have tried to make wiring as clean as possible and idiot proof during assembly/disassembly.  All wires from the Arduino to the VNH5019 are by a simple harness I made by gluing Crimp Connectors together into a L with the long side thicker to avoid any ambiguity during connection.


Update (Feburary 18, 2014):

Added a 9 DOF IMU (ITG3205+ADXL345+HMC5883L)

Naviagates around via ultrasound and takes control via bluetooth.

  • Actuators / output devices: 4- 25D Gear Motors; JS-25GA370-59
  • Control method: Semi-Controlled / Autonomous (Bluetooth - BlueSmirf Silver)
  • CPU: Arduino Duemilanove
  • Power source: 7.2V Tamiya-style racing pack 6 AA-cells, 2300mAh
  • Programming language: C/C++
  • Sensors / input devices: PING(((
  • Target environment: Indoors - Carpet

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Very Nice robot, i collected this and hope this serves as inspiration for my own project.

I have a few questions.
I looked up the motors and found them on a Chinese site.
Are they 12v and 40rpm(free) (25rpm load)?

And where did you get the tires? I have been looking for such tires for quite Some time, but i found them to be very expensive.

Hoping to see a lot more of this project.


RE: Questions [by eclipse]

Hi Eclipse, thanks for the kind words!

The specs for the motors when I got them were at 6v at 70rpm (I have to verify the number).  If I can re-find the eBay link I’ll PM you it.  What interested me about the motor was the output shaft.  At the time I was interested in using encoders, but now I plan in the future update (once I finish this inital write up) to use a 9 DOF IMU.

The wheels are a hybrid of the hubs from the Dagu (Wild Thumper tires & hubs, when the were first sold in a 4 pack on Sparkfun) and the Traxxas TRA3670 Stampede Terra tires.  At the time when I used the Dagu Wheels, the motors couldn’t turn the Artemis in place, and I knew it wasn’t a torque issue, so I switched out the Dagu tires with the Traxxas.  And that solve the turning in place issue.


RE: RE: Questions [by eclipse]

Hi Eclipse here is a eBay link to the gear motors I’m using (it’s also the same vendor I bought them from):

Nice wheels!

We built a similar project.  However, we installed an Android device onto a RC car and used an IOIO board instead to control it autonomously. Here is the preliminary result: