My latest hybrids

Here are the latest revisions of my hybrid Hexapod and Octapod designs. The Quadrapod is just like the Hexapod, but with one fewer pair of legs. I am using Alibre Design for 100% of my design work now.

The wheel you see pictured is my yet unfinished model of the large buggy wheel I will be using on a lot of my wheeled creations - this is a 3 3/4" diameter, 1 3/4" wide tire. I still have to do the sidewalls and tread part of the model.

Hexapod - Front:

Front - wheels retracted:



I have been able to shorten the wheel towers considerably and still retain all the functionality I want. I have not replaced the wheel towers on the hybrd Octabot yet, but probably will do that soon.

Octapod - Front:



anything still happening with that? looks really cool, i’d love to see photos\videos of the real thing!

I haven’t been doing anything with robotics for awhile, but will eventually be getting back into it. I still have to get a new “brain” bor W.A.L.T.E.R. too, and am waiting for full availability of the SSC-NG (or whatever it ends up being called). I want to investigate using AVR based code for my robots.

It will be quite awhile before I am able to build a walking robot, due to cost, and I’ve taken a side trip and gotten my Ham License and am getting a new (to me - it’s a good used rig) radio now. I’m want to investigate the possibility of using VHF/UHF radio for controlling robots and getting data from them, but this is also off in the future quite a ways yet. I’m just concentrating on Ham Radio for right now, taking a needed break from robotics.

Also, due to a software installer completely wiping BOTH of my hard drives, I lost everything, including all of my 3D CAD models for my robot designs. I just haven’t felt like getting back in and recreating/redesigning all of that yet. That’s nearly 3 years of work gone, without backup. :frowning: I never expected this installer to wipe both my hard drives. One of these days I will get to redownloading the parts models I created of Lynxmotion brackets and get back into recreating my designs.


This was on hackaday. Remembered you. … ing-robot/

Thanks for that reference. :slight_smile: This is definitely my kind of Octopod! It uses my idea for having the wheels also be feet, but not exactly what I have in mind. This one walks on the rims of the tires rather than using the side of the tire as the foot like in my design.

I’m starting to get the robotics bug again and W.A.L.T.E.R. has been collecting dust on a shelf way too long.


Wait till there are cob webs THEN start back. :laughing: jk

Why wait…

In this day and age there is no reason to wait for the slow process of natural cobweb formation. Who has that sort of time? Try the all new CobWebs in a can!