My Homemade Microscope!


Here it is! my home-made microscope! it took me at least 30 minutes or less to make this entire thing, it has a macgyver-esque design because it is all made entirely out of scrap parts,

parts included are:

-a lens from an old broken computer camera

-an LED

-battery pack from an old tv remote


-some wires

that's all and it works like an ace!

watch the video to see it in action!!

-cheers! - ⁰ℨ

P.S. Guess what the words are!


hahaha, i’ll try to find one, well i hope i can see it thru this bulky thing

actually you need 400x

actually you need 400x magnification to see individual spores.

Wow, I love that MacGyver

Wow, I love that MacGyver look! Impressive!


hahaha, thanks :smiley:


lol, this thing is not really a professional’s microscope, but you can surely see the fibers of the paper and the hairs of an ant or a leaf :D 

wow, that’s impressive. I

wow, that’s impressive. I suggest you grow some paramecia and watch them moving around. 

To grow them is very easy. Find a hay stack, grab a hand full of hay and put it in a jar with water (tab water would be ok) Then keep it warm and dark for a couple of days…2-3 days are enough. After that you can take some of the water and there they are…moving around in the water…


With a bit luck you also can find some ameba in that water, just look for shape shifters (no, i do not mean Constable Odo) :wink:

Make sure you take a video of it :slight_smile:


thanks! yeah! that’s awesome! i’ll make it, and maybe i’ll record it. i hope i can see them moving around! :smiley:


nice work MetalmonkeeLad, that’s fantastic!

Hey metal, what is the wavelength of light used from the led? Any idea? A nice and simple project that you have made. Well done. Congrats.

thank you very much!

i didn’t actually measured the wavelength of the light, an act of simplicity. i’ve just stick 'em all together and there you go! a nice little microscope!