My Hexapod "MeanGreen"

:open_mouth: Wow!
Great pictures! I just love your custom endcaps for the servos, excellent!

Every part of your hexapods are just awesome. Looking forward to see more of your Snow-white.

:slight_smile: here some detail pix from the capsā€¦

The caps made for Hitec HS-645MG and HS-5645MG

Look at ā€¦ 9caebu2p37

Olaf-the Boss from NODNA in Germany was so delighted with the result of my work that he signed up to his shop. :slight_smile:

Nice end caps. Iā€™d prefer to have them work with ASB04, however. Iā€™m tempted to ask for drawings, but now that I see that you (or DNA) is selling them, I wonā€™t.

Alan KM6VV

hey guys! heres the code for my weapon arm!
write in ā€œconstantsā€

;LaserTower Laseru_PulseMin con 655 Laseru_PulseMax con 1500 Lasero_PulseMin con 760 Lasero_PulseMax con 1500 Laserh_PulseMin con 750 Laserh_PulseMax con 2250 Lare_PulseMin con 1300 Lare_PulseMax con 2400
than after the bytetable

Laseru Con ā€œ1ā€ ;Unterer Servo (under servo HS-65MG)
Laseru2 Con ā€œ2ā€
Lasero Con ā€œ1ā€ ;Oberer Servo (upper Servo HS-65MG)
Lasero2 Con ā€œ3ā€
Laserh Con ā€œ1ā€ ;Schwenk Servo (panning Servo HS-65MG)
Laserh2 Con ā€œ4ā€

;Laser Relais
Lare Con ā€œ1ā€ ;Last Relais zum schiessen (Laser Relais to shoot- Dimension engeneering power switch)
Lare2 Con ā€œ5ā€ [/code]

than in variables:

Laseru_Pulse var Word Lasero_Pulse var Word Laserh_Pulse var Word Lare_Pulse var Word

in ā€œinitā€

Laseru_Pulse = 1500 Lasero_Pulse = 1500 Laserh_Pulse = 1500 Lare_Pulse = 1500

then where the little gripper is:

;Laser PS2 Controll Engine!!!!! Laseru_Pulse = ((Laseru_Pulse + (DualShock(2).bit3 * 50) - (DualShock(2).bit2 * 50)) | min Laseru_PulseMin) max Laseru_PulseMax Lasero_Pulse = ((Lasero_Pulse + (DualShock(2).bit3 * 50) - (DualShock(2).bit2 * 50)) | min Lasero_PulseMin) max Lasero_PulseMax Lare_Pulse = ((Lare_Pulse - (DualShock(2).bit3 * 50) + (DualShock(2).bit2 * 50)) | min Lare_PulseMin) max Lare_PulseMax Laserh_Pulse = ((Laserh_Pulse + (DualShock(2).bit1 * 50) - (DualShock(2).bit0 * 50)) | min Laserh_PulseMin) max Laserh_PulseMax GaitSpeedTmp = StepFlag + 2 else stepFlag = NbSteps - Steps + 1 endif

some blocks under:

Knee_Pulse(Index) = (((Knee_PulseMax - Knee_PulseMin) * (Knee_Angle - Knee_AngleMin) | / (Knee_AngleMax - Knee_AngleMin) + Knee_PulseMin) max Knee_PulseMax) min Knee_PulseMin Knee_Pulse(Index) = 3000 - Knee_Pulse(Index) - KneeShift(Index) * 2 next ;Laser controll wizh integrated light controll!!!!! serout SSC32,i38400,"#",RRHH,RRHH2,"P",DEC HipH_Pulse(0),"#",RRHV,RRHV2,"P",DEC HipV_Pulse(0), | "#",RRK,RRK2,"P",DEC Knee_Pulse(0),"#",FRHH,FRHH2,"P",DEC HipH_Pulse(2), | "#",FRHV,FRHV2,"P",DEC HipV_Pulse(2),"#",FRK,FRK2,"P",DEC Knee_Pulse(2), | "#",MLHH,MLHH2,"P",DEC HipH_Pulse(4),"#",MLHV,MLHV2,"P",DEC 3000 - HipV_Pulse(4), | "#",MLK,MLK2,"P",DEC 3000 - Knee_Pulse(4),"#",MRHH,MRHH2,"P",DEC HipH_Pulse(1), | "#",MRHV,MRHV2,"P",DEC HipV_Pulse(1),"#",MRK,MRK2,"P",DEC Knee_Pulse(1), | "#",RLHH,RLHH2,"P",DEC HipH_Pulse(5),"#",RLHV,RLHV2,"P",DEC 3000 - HipV_Pulse(5), | "#",RLK,RLK2,"P",DEC 3000 - Knee_Pulse(5),"#",FLHH,FLHH2,"P",DEC HipH_Pulse(3), | "#",FLHV,FLHV2,"P",DEC 3000 - HipV_Pulse(3),"#",FLK,FLK2,"P",DEC 3000 - Knee_Pulse(3), | "#",DeckP,DeckP2,"P",DEC Deck_Pulse,"#",DeckTilt,DeckTilt2,"P",DEC DeckTilt_Pulse, | "#",Laseru,Laseru2,"P",DEC Laseru_Pulse,"#",Lasero,Lasero2,"P",DEC Lasero_Pulse, | "#",Lare,Lare2,"P",DEC Lare_Pulse,| "#",Laserh,Laserh2,"P",DEC Laserh_Pulse,"T190", 13] pause 100 else pause 144 if MovesDelay < -6 then MovesDelay = (NbSteps - GaitKind) - Steps + 1 EndIf

hope it works on your hexapods! i used for programming ā€œbasic micro studioā€ a bb2 and a atom pro!


I use the same code for my pan & tilt head with a little difference.

DeckTilt_Pulse = ((DeckTilt_Pulse + (DualShock(2).bit1 * 100) - (DualShock(2).bit0 * 100)) | 
				min DeckTilt_PulseMin) max DeckTilt_PulseMax
DeckPan_Pulse = ((DeckPan_Pulse + (DualShock(2).bit2 * 100) - (DualShock(2).bit3 * 100)) |
				min DeckPan_PulseMin) max DeckPan_PulseMax
GaitSpeedTmp = StepFlag + 2

I added a *100 instead of the *50 to increase the servo speed and make the movement a litte more fluid.


Thanks for the tip! :slight_smile: i would test it when i got al little bit more time!

BTW nice build with the second Hexapod and the custom parts for Meangreen. I hope you share a video in the next time.


awesome man!
I am out of the country right now, and will try this when I get home :smiley:

I want to get those battery monitors tooā€¦ so nice!

Ok, so I am finally home from being stuck in europe due to a little volcano :stuck_out_tongue: but I am trying to integrate this into mine for the head and neck control and I am a little confusedā€¦

Let me preface by saying that I am super new to this MC and this is my first attempt at coding for itā€¦

I have read over things and I cant figure out where the last 2 chunks of code goā€¦ the ones that start with

Does this go in the phoenix_control_ps2.bas file? this looks like code for reading the controller.


the second part looks like the part that controls the whole thing but all the wording is differentā€¦ did you write your own version of xans code? It looks like you update all your legs at once instead of updating one side then the other like xans?

I am going to dig deeper but any and all help would be appreciated :wink:

I think he use the code from Powerpod not the Phoenix code from Xan.
CH3-R Originaldatei.txt (26.8 KB)

Thanks ExMachina, that will defiently help :slight_smile:

Hey Guys- after a long time, a lot of troubble and lot of work i got a little bit time to post here something new. :slight_smile:
I made in the last months some new parts for MeanGreen and some upgrades.

MeanGreen got a new head- a Razer Orochi-sponsored by my friends from Razer Europe here in Hamburg-Germany!!!

-New legs - a little bit lighter than the old version and now in color

-New switches from Pololu - the Battle switch must goā€¦

-New custom made Lasertubes - Better cooling and a better look

-A new massive Weapon Arm for more stableā€¦

-The BIG F### GUN!!!

Here the Pixā€¦

The new Head- Razer Orochi
The new tubes

The new Legs in Black

Legs in Violet for ā€œSnowwhiteā€

Version 2 for MeanGreen in Green + Lasertubes

Tube in Violet for Snowwhite

And The B.F.G.

Also i made a new clip for youtube :slight_smile:

You could find the clip on Facebook at ā€œLYNXMOTION (official page)ā€!!

Hope you like my workā€¦ and i got some moreā€¦



I love the custom work, very nice. :smiley:

EDIT: BFG does also mean Big Fragging Gun (yeah, I played Doom a lot when I was youngā€¦ :wink: ).