My first serious robot. BOO V1.0

At first, I was going to use a simple and cheap RC car for the project. But as seen on the first video (TEST 1) The wheels where way to far for what I was looking for. So I decided to go to the next step. I used a pair of Servos and a little sheet of plexiglass with a third free rotating wheel. 

After doing some more tests I noticed that when the third wheel straightened out the robot slightly moved out of track. So I decided to put another pair of servos as seen in TEST 2

I hope I come back soon with TEST 3


Ok! Well It's been quite a time since I posted last time. I've been busy and on vacation. Anyway I've been gathering some ideas from where I'm doing my internship and I changed most of the concept and design of my bot. I did not want to update the project until I had something that could really be shown. And here it is.

My computer recently died, and as I was trying to fix it I realize that the slots were cool to make my eobot with a multuse mother board. And I made a simple one for my PIC 16F84A. So now I have 3  slots... One is oviously for the motor driver and the other one for the sensor module. But I don't know what to do with the other one. any suggestions?

  • Actuators / output devices: 4 x futaba s3003 servos
  • CPU: Pic16F84A
  • Power source: 12V Battery
  • Programming language: Assembler
  • Target environment: indoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Please don’t use .BMP for

Please don’t use .BMP for images on web, thanks :slight_smile:

(Use .PNG, .GIF, .JPG etc instead, and your pictures will show)

so that’s why it didn’t

so that’s why it didn’t show! LOL I’ve been wondering all this time. Thanks!