My first Robot

I came to robotics late in life, although I have always enjoyed science fiction, but I thought I would like to try building a robot. Using two microswitches, two motors, four AAA batteries and a breadboard I put together the little bot shown in the picture. 

This could navigate a passage, but it had difficulty in a simple maze as it got stuck in corners since it couldn't reverse. I added two n/o n/c relays and this gave it individual motor reversing so I could leave it working a maze unaided

At this point I realised that I needed better technology and discovered Arduino. As part of learning coding and the components used in robotics I built a two wheel line follower and realised that I had effectively made an H bridge with my first robots relay micro switch setup. I am now hopelessly addicted to robotics and found my way here. 

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Welcome Aboard

Great to have you hear. If I can be of any help to you please don’t hesitate to send me a message.

Image placeholder

Would be great to see images of your setup. I added a placeholder image to your post.