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This is a work in progress I shall be embarking on with a friend of mine. As first robot we are doing the robot from Fritsl’s tutorial on ‘your first robot’ Yes, the picture at the moment is just the parts, unpacked as this is the stat of the robot presently, haha.
That’s a huge fuzzy picture,
That’s a huge fuzzy picture, but good that you’ve got a start with parts. What did you get?
Pics and parts
Damn… well ill make sure progress pics are not fuzzy
I have basically everything in the tutorial bar the cable for the IR sensor, haha.
So i have a 28 pin picaxe start board with USB connection,
a L293D Motor Driver
a PICAXE Servo Upgrade Pack
a Sharp GP2D120 IR Sensor - 11.5" / Analogue
and 2 Gear Motors with wheels
As well as my own tools such as soldering iron, solder, cables etc.
I have had a comment that the sharp IR sensor isnt the best but it will do for a first project
The IR is ok, and it’s
The IR is ok, and it’s perfect for the Start Here project. If you use fritsls code it will do what it’s suposed to do.
Sure, a ultra sonic unit is a sweet upgrade, but not an essential one.
Parts and more parts
Aye, thats what i figured. I will uy more expensive parts later if im doing like a super bot
And i shall be using fritsl’s code so hopefully everyhting goes together how it should