My first robot :)

Hi folks,

New here … and to robotics :slight_smile:

Just started my first project and will add a picture when I’m allowed :slight_smile:

It is based on the aluminum 4wd base with 4 x Gear Head Motor - 12vdc 30:1 200rpm. Power comes from 2 x 6.0vdc Ni-MH 2800mAh battery packs. Sabertooth 2x5 controller. OOPic ‘R’ micro controller.
On the top deck is a CMUcam 3 ( + Pan and Tilt turret ).
There are 2 SRF04 Ultra Sonic Ranger Modules, one on the front which is servo mounted to scan and a fixed one for the rear.

Just below the top deck there is an Asus EEE pc which fits in just right :slight_smile: It will be used for the wireless connection and webcam ( Logitech QuickCam Orbit MP Robotic 1.3MP Webcam, yet to be mounted on the top deck so the CMUcam is offset.

I’ve also got a CMPS03 Magnetic Compass Module which is yet to be mounted.

As I say only just started so getting parts to work now, having a few problems with the Sabertooth but should be able to sort that out … Although might post on this forum :slight_smile:

I know I have bitten off a bit much for a first project … But that is just like me and I’m having fun :slight_smile:

Comments / suggestions welcome.

Wishing you all the best.


Welcome!!! Can’t wait to see some pictures. Sounds like a cool project.

Thanks evolution, taking my little eee down the pub today and will read through this forum as I am fascinated by all the different projects people are involved with.

Now I can post a pic :slight_smile:

Nice. I think I see a laptop in there, no?

Thanks evolution :slight_smile:

Yep it is one of the Asus 701 eee’s ( … c-701.html ). Fits perfectly on one of the blank decks for the A4WD1 and for around £200 makes a great controller.

All the best.

That’s a real nice rover! You did some good work!


Thanks Sam, most of the parts are just ‘off the shelf’ so don’t feel like I have really built much … But thought that was a better way to go for my first project. Still a long way to go though :slight_smile:

niiiice 8)

I’ve never seen that pan/tilt assembly before. Looks pretty cool.

Thx, got the pan and tilt from here in the UK

Hi Folks,

Not really had a lot of time to work on my project due to work / girlfriend but got a bit more done this weekend.

Found out the small problem I was having with the Sabertooth controller was down to my RC filter, I had used the largest ceramic capacitors I had in there but they were still not up to the job of smoothing out the PWM signal the OOPic was sending. Changed them for a couple of 470nF Polyester Film ones and all worked fine with 10K resistors.

As I have said I am new to this so would like to ask a quick question :slight_smile: Most people seem to use ceramic capacitors … I know not to use any electrolytic … Is there any disadvantage to using Polyester ?

Any way the bot has been happily running round my flat now using the ultrasonic sensors to avoid bumping into ( most ) of the clutter.

I know this is pretty basic compared to most of the projects here but as it was my first robot it as quite fun to watch it disappear into the bedroom, explore for a few minutes, then make it’s way back to the lounge in it’s random dance :slight_smile:

On to the next stage :slight_smile:

All the best.


No problems with the polyester caps, just price. :frowning:

Thanks spacejunk, they were cheap as just lying around :slight_smile:

Hi Folks,

Seems to be a weekly post :slight_smile: same reasons as last time for lack of progress.

Rear Ultrasonic is now fully working, but a bit noisy … Mainly due to rats nest of wiring, but once everything is together will do a better wiring harness.

CMUcam is now operational and was taking it’s first pictures yesterday. The two servos from the pan tilt are not yet connected so will add them soon.

I know … Not a lot of progress, but still having fun :slight_smile:

Coming next :
Got the webcam turning up ( hopefully this week ) so can mount and tie that in.

Also got a new OEM of XP and a USB DVD so can convert the Eee to XP, then I can start integrating it into the system.

Justhaving so much fun :slight_smile:

All the best.


Hi Folks,

Slowly getting there :slight_smile:

New pic :

I’ve loaded the Asus EEE 701 with Windows XP and have started to integrate it with the bot. In the picture you can see the two live feeds, the one on the left is from the Webcam and the other is from the CMUcam ( a bit dark at the moment ).

The EEE happens to have three USB ports, two are used for the above cameras and the third is an i2c interface that connects to the OOPic controller.

I have decided not to add the extra parts just yet ( Electronic compass, keyboard, LCD display ), instead I am concentrating on getting all the current parts talking to each other.

Once programmed the EEE will sit just under the top deck ( as seen in the first photo I posted here ).

Wiring is a bit of a rats nest at the moment, but once it is all working I can build a proper wiring harness … Possibly with one connection bus through all the decks to neaten it up.

I know progress is a bit slow, but I’m happy so far :slight_smile:

All the best.


Well met sir,

This project looks to be happening in a very methodical and well planned mannor. Are you going to use this as a telepresence from work/pub?

Welcome to the addiction…

My own project(s) take a rediculous amount of time (marriage and full time work and some extra schooling) and recently a fair chunk of my recources. Your speed and seeming efficiancy are an inspiration.

Thanks MYKL :slight_smile:

Telepresence was one of the functions I will be working on. My ideal for the end project would be able for it to connect to the net when in a WiFi hotspot, in this mode the operator can control it from anywhere and interact with people as well as command the robot. Then it will be able to move from one hotspot to another automonously whne it can not connect.

As I say it is my first robot and I have probably set my sights a bit high, but so far so good :slight_smile:

All the best.


Very cool! So when Starbucks has a station for Coffee and charging your Eco-Ride on every corner you and your hotspotbots can take over the world!

There is absolutly nothing wrong with aiming high…


Lol, more like to be in a pub than Starbucks :slight_smile: … Actually in a pub now and using their free internet connection.

Also, here in Brighton, we have a group ( I used to be involved with ) called that provide free WiFi access at several sites especially down the seafront so could be fun to let it lose to roam up and down there :slight_smile:

I always tend to aim a bit high, best way of learning :slight_smile:

All the best.


Let the product of your imagineering loose the the pub and post the video.

It sounds like you live in a wonderland. I’d love to see what the inside of an authentic pub looks like. And drink a pint for me!

The beer we have here (USA) is mostly dead…

There a very few exceptions, VERY FEW.