My first Robot!

This is my first robot, I used:

Microcontroller Microchip 18F2221

C language programming, free C18 compiler.

Servos HS311

Xbee radio

I designed the PCBs using eagle and KiCAD, one of the PCB is home made.

More information in my blog:

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Awesome!and this is your


and this is your first robot?

Yes, it is my first robot! I

Yes, it is my first robot! I have worked on embedded systems and other tech stuff but never made a robot before, I am just realizing there is a lot of physics involved.

That has to be one of the

That has to be one of the best first robots i have seen.


when do you think he’ll be walking around?

o.O Wow

It’s a very nice robot for first robot. :open_mouth: Awesome!

Hopefully by late next week

Hopefully by late next week will be walking, I will develop a routine for that