My First Robot Spoutnik

Hi people , i creat my first robot ! My robot avoids the obstacles and looks for a better road.I used tools classic to create my robot as: crowbar(pliers), of the thread, the tin, the iron has to weld… For the construction of my robot I put 1:30 am and for the programming I made copy / stick of the tutorial xD. If you find things has to say on my robot of the good as the bad do not hesitate, I am to learn :)ok ok thank you for watching.

  • Actuators / output devices: Servos
  • CPU: Picaxe 28
  • Programming language: Picaxe basic
  • Sensors / input devices: Sharp GP2D120 IR sensor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

**nice robot **
which motors does it use?

Nice work on the
Nice work on the drawings(ink?), it can really help to come up with sketches when thinking of how you want to set up your bot.

OK thank you ! I have at
OK thank you ! I have at first make a drawing then I worked my drawing on Photoshop

**source code **
can u please post the code ? i m a beginer and i making a similar line following robot

Post your robot and where
Post your robot and where you are stuck with the code and we will help you fix it. Making a robot to work with code is backwards and will cause lots of problems. ALWAYS build the robot then work on the code. Dont try to use someone else’s code to build your robot.

yep well i have my picaxe


well i have my picaxe hooked up to two LRD29 motor controllers. all the movement commad work fine , except for the SCANING part … i have a servo fixed to it and i just cant get it to work :S. the IR mounted on it however , reads info.


Im in skool right now , i will post the code as soon as i get home , its on my laptop :stuck_out_tongue:

thanks for ur advice