I am new to robots specifically but not to most of the principles involved. I am a CAD and PLC Technician by day and a remote control (Planes, Helis, and Sailboats) hobbyist by night. I thought as a natural progression Robotics would be fun and provide a challenge as well. Ever since I first saw the Spykee I knew I wanted one. But alas I waited too long. As for my first project the basic ideas are as follows.
The main use at first would be messing with my dogs. Later on adding home surveillance and perhaps autonomous operation.
I would like to build something similar to a Spykee. If a similar kit is available that would be great.
I would like it to be controllable over the internet via my home wifi network.
I would like to be able to add features as I go. Starting with basic real time FPV and adding IR object avoidance and voice and listening later on.
No real need for arms and grabbing things but who knows down the road.
I was looking at starting with the Iron man 4 chassis. Other than that I am in need of some direction.
One of the major reasons why the Spykee was discontinued was the level of technical support / troubleshooting it required.
Setting up a WiFi robot with video is not easy and doing it yourself takes quite a bit of programming.
To get quick results, start with a pan/tilt WiFi camera - this includes the setup procedure etc. Unfortunately we do not carry one at this time, but it is available online.
Next, you’ll need to create a base (or purchase one) which can support this camera, as well as the batteries.
Last, once you get the platform operational, move over to WiFi control.
Another approach is to start with a single board computer like the Raspberry Pi, connect the Pi camera (or a normal webcam) and program everything using Python.
robotshop.com/en/raspberry-p … board.html
A platform like this can be used with the Pi to create a WiFi controlled vehicle with video feedback:
robotshop.com/en/smart-video … del-b.html
The Iron Man 4 is a chassis kit, so you need to add the motor controller, battery and main controller. Welcome to custom robotics!
robotshop.com/en/iron-man-4- … assis.html
Hoe this gives you some ideas.
After giving it more thought and lots of time with google I have decided on what seems to me a less expensive but very cool first attempt which should provide an easy introduction to programming and a stepping stone towards my grander goals.
I have decided to build a spider that avoids objects as seen in several videos around the web. I have the following parts on order.
2 x DFRobot Spider Robot Frame Kit RB-Dfr-225
1 x HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Range Finder RB-Ite-54
1 x 2A DC Motor Driver Arduino Shield RB-Cyt-155
1 x Arduino Uno USB Microcontroller Rev 3 RB-Ard-34
I realize I have probably jumped the gun but I believe this should get the job done. Building is not an issue, It is the programming that I need help with. While I am not really looking for the entire program as that would not be much of a learning experience If anyone knows of a similar project tutorial that I could follow It would be of great help. My only programming experience is in Boolean and Ladder Logic for PLC’s.
Any tips or corrections to my parts list would be greatly appreciated.
Art Smith
The Spider (RB-Dfr-225) des not have directional control - motion comes from one motor, so it is not able to turn.
robotshop.com/en/dfrobot-spi … e-kit.html
If budget is a concern, you might instead want to start with a 2WD chassis:
robotshop.com/en/2-wheeled-d … forms.html
As for programming, take a look at the ROMEO, which is essentially an Arduino with additional functionality, including a built-in dual motor controller:
robotshop.com/en/dfrobot-rom … a-328.html (several models available)
From the comments section of the “Spider Bot” Listing
Buy 2 of these kits to make a cool steerable walking robot for very cheap. You simply snap them together creating a left side and separate right side. Then assemble these so that you have 1 motor driving 1 set of 4 legs, per side. Then snap the left and right sides together to make a steerable chassis using the slightly trimmed “X” members as shown in the links:
letsmakerobots.com/robot/project … ider-robot
I just thought this was way cooler than two boring old wheels. As I said the building part I have a handle on. It is the arduino programming I need a tutorial for.
Hehe, yes, you can indeed take that approach, now we better understand why you have two such robots.
There’s sample code for the ROMEO to help you get started, but you’ll still need to learn how to program in Arduino.