My First Robot (Object Avoider) updated version

Navigates using SRF005 , avoids objects

Navigate around via ultrasound

  • Actuators / output devices: 2 geared motors 228:1 ratio
  • CPU: Picaxe 28x1
  • Power source: 4.5 volts (3aa cells)
  • Programming language: Picaxe basic
  • Sensors / input devices: SRF05
  • Target environment: indoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

the videos are not of good

the videos are not of good quality

i’ll upload better quality videos some other time


there is some problem in the

there is some problem in the programming that whenever the robot senses any object it somewhat turns and again it goes in the previous position it does not head forward after turning…

as shown in the video

not the programming your bot

not the programming your bot is big compared to start here . it is turnin but is not enough


Great to see it working!

Great to see it working! Good job!



will be uploading videos

will be uploading videos later…

Nice bot

I like the way the servo stops when it detects an object. Makes it look like the bot is “looking” at, and studying an obstacle before it decides to make a turn.

Which servo are you using?

I’m assuming you bought the SRF05 from someplace in India. From where and for how much did you buy it?

i used a standard servo

i used a standard servo which i got in Picaxe servo upgrade pack…and SRF05 was bought from

because i coudnt find it in india…

and  it was around 10 - 11 pounds…

wow nice 1 i had the same

wow nice 1 i had the same prob motors are too slow!!!


the problem was not of the motors.

I used old batteries for this project so the motors didnt get much power.

ah i c…hw many volts u

ah i c…hw many volts u used?

4.5 V

4.5 V

Video is broken :S

Video is broken :S

i dont think the video is

i dont think the video is broken becuase i am able to see the video

anyway you can watch the video at