My first robot "Number 3"

first update

Number 3 has now 2 picaxe 18X,

a little lcd, a tilt sensor and

2 switch in front

the 2 picaxe speak with serial wire

(sorry for my english i am french)

































hello this is my first robot named Number3

make with some code solution from LMR

for the moment it roll and roll again

picaxe 18x project board

POB-BOT base

servo Hitec HS 422

and srf 05

i wait for second picaxe, little lcd and other parts


navigate with srf 05

  • Actuators / output devices: lcd 2x16
  • CPU: 2 picaxe 18x
  • Power source: 4, 5v to picaxe 6v to motor
  • Programming language: Basic
  • Sensors / input devices: Tilt sensor, sfr 05

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Lookin good!

Those are the tracks from POLOLU right?

Have you tried google? Just
Have you tried google? Just copy and paste “POB-BOT base” into google’s search box.

Awesome, just what I needed. That eye is pricey, but I could ues it…

Another one to look for is
Another one to look for is the RP5 chassis from pololu. They are both very similar.

yes i find it with google,

yes i find it with google, in france this is the base from pob-bot, the same as pololu

the link:

Are 3 1.5V batteries enough

Are 3 1.5V batteries enough power for the tank?

I have the same tank body, but the friction force is large … 

So I’m think about choosing the battery