my first robot "Number 3"

Posted on 15/10/2009 by stephbiker
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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first update Number 3 has now 2 picaxe 18X, a little lcd, a tilt sensor  and 2 switch in front the 2 picaxe speak with serial wire (sorry for my english i am french)                                                               -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  hello ...

my first robot "Number 3"

first update

Number 3 has now 2 picaxe 18X,

a little lcd, a tilt sensor  and

2 switch in front

the 2 picaxe speak with serial wire

(sorry for my english i am french)

































 hello this is my first robot named Number3

 make with some code solution from LMR

for the moment it roll and roll again

picaxe 18x project board

POB-BOT base

servo Hitec HS 422

and srf 05

i wait for second picaxe, little lcd  and other parts


navigate with srf 05

  • Actuators / output devices: lcd 2x16
  • CPU: 2 picaxe 18x
  • Power source: 4, 5v to picaxe 6v to motor
  • Programming language: Basic
  • Sensors / input devices: Tilt sensor, sfr 05
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